
  • Each and every human being has the right to dignity, respect and courtesy.
  • Human adjustment requires standing up for your rights.
  • By not standing up for your rights, you encourage others to continue treating you in a way that devalues you.  We teach others how to treat us.
  • If you choose not to exercise your rights, you can’t be resentful of people who do.
  • By not expressing yourself, it allows things to build up inside resulting in tension and the possibility of responding in an inappropriate and hurtful way later.
  • It is unavoidable to live a life without unintentionally hurting someone.
  • Being polite out of fear of being offensive is a sure way of either destroying a relationship or preventing one from really forming.
  • If you don’t tell someone how you feel or what you think, you deny them the opportunity to change.
  • Each person has the right to express themselves as long as the rights of others are not being violated. 

Being assertive can be talked about in counseling.