Traditional Master's Degree Option

The master’s degree in health promotion and wellness management requires 36 credit hours. This includes a research project and internship experience.

You can complete your degree in two years if you take classes full-time. Part-time options are also available.

Review program requirements

Check with your advisor to determine the best options for your elective courses.

The following degree plan, last reviewed 01-05-2021, is based on the 2020-21 catalog and Missouri State general education requirements.

First semester (fall)

Courses Hours
KIN 700 Research Methods in Kinesiology 1
HLH 710 Introduction to Health Promotion and Wellness Management 3
HLH 750 Programming Approaches in Wellness/Health Promotion 3
Total hours 9

Second semester (spring)

Courses Hours
HLH 760 Health Promotion Planning 3
KIN 705 Applied Statistics in Kinesiology 1
Elective course 3
Total hours 9

Third semester (fall)

Courses Hours
Elective course 3
Elective course 3
Elective course (if taking KIN 795) 3
Total hours 6-9

Fourth semester (spring)

Courses Hours
KIN 795 Research Project
or KIN 799 Thesis
HLH 791 Wellness Internship 1-6
Total hours 9-12

Possible electives

Certificates to consider

Certificates are a great way to enhance your degree. You may be able to use some credits from your elective courses to earn a certificate.