Careers and Outcomes

A balanced life in service to the community

As a physician assistant, you will enjoy a level of autonomy to practice medicine with the supervision of a physician. One added bonus – you’ll enjoy the positive work-life balance associated with this career.

Missouri State’s curriculum, which focuses on clinical experiences, problem solving and community-based care, will prepare you for success. Our graduates have a history of performing well on the national certification exam.

Our alumni

The most recent survey revealed that most alumni of Missouri State’ University's physician assistant studies program are employed on a full-time basis in clinical practice. They work in a variety of office and hospital-based settings. These are ranked in order and include:

  • General surgery and subspecialties
  • Internal medicine
  • Family practice
  • Urgent Care
  • Emergency medicine
  • Psychiatry
  • Oncology/hematology
  • Obstetrics/Gynecology
  • Geriatrics
  • Public Health

The same survey also revealed that twenty-three percent work in rural areas, and practice in 24 states. The states where most alumni practice include:

  • Missouri 60%
  • Oklahoma 5%
  • Washington 4%
  • Arkansas, Colorado, and Kansas 3%

The vast majority of alumni also reported 1) the didactic year left them feeling very well or well prepared for practice, 2) the clinical year left them feeling very well or well prepared for practice, and 3) 96% would recommend our program to others.

Doctor examining a patient's ear