Curriculog Terminology
- Approval Process - A template of fields used to collect information from the end user and a set of steps to drive a workflow
- Cancel - Curriculog's withdraw action
- Validate - Curriculog uses this action to verify that all required fields are input during launch
- Launch - Curriculog's submit action
- Build Proposal - Once the import is complete for a change/delete proposal, user will build the proposal by completing the form
- Impact Report - A required function during the course proposal completion process that interfaces with the current catalog to note other courses/programs that may be affected by the proposal being submitted
- Import - Required on all change/delete proposal types so information is pulled in directly from current catalog
Curriculog Functionality
- My Tasks - A list of items waiting for action from the user, usually an approver or reviewer
- My Proposals - A list of proposals originated by the user (unlaunched and launched)
- Watch List - Allows you to keep track of a proposal in progress by listing under the Watch List tab, even if you are not a participant on any step or the originator
- All Proposals - A list of all proposals available for viewing to all users, with filtering capabilities
- My Recent Notifications - List of notifications which consist of status updates
- User Tracking - Allows users to see edits that have been made within a proposal after it has been launched
Challenging a Curricular Proposal during the Intent to Challenge Period
Email notice will be sent to faculty when an intent to challenge period begins for curricular proposals after Faculty Senate Executive review. Proposals listed on a Faculty Senate meeting agenda begin their intent to challenge period when the meeting minutes are posted.
Step #1- Within the 5 day Intent to Challenge period, send notice to the Chair of Faculty Senate via The notice must include the exact title of the curricular proposal as listed in Curriculog.
Step #2- Within 20 calendar days, submit the Challenge of a Senate Action form directly to the Chair of Faculty Senate, directly to the Secretary of the Faculty, and to
Contact for questions regarding process, completing the form, and/or Faculty Senate bylaws.