Log in to Curriculog and choose "New Proposal". The button is on the home screen directly
after logging in.
Any course that is a professional education course is considered an Educator Provider
Preparation course. Required courses in educator provider preparation programs are
not all professional education courses. Use this resource as a guide. Courses listed in this resource need to go to EPPC for approval.
For programs, any program leading to DESE certification must go through EPPC for approval.
Programs not leading to DESE certification do NOT go through EPPC for approval.
When in doubt if either a course or program should route to EPPC for approval, contact
the EPPC chair for further information.
All General Education Course proposals must go through CGEIP for approval.
Use this resource as a guide. Only courses listed in this resource need to go to CGEIP for approval.
The My Tasks tab outlines actions that are waiting on your decision, based on your
Originators must approve their proposals after launch.
Approvers and reviewers will find a list of proposals under the My Tasks tab waiting
for their approval/review.
Use the All Proposals tab and the corresponding filters to search for all proposals.
The advanced filter will allow for specific search criteria.
Proposals submitted by you, as the originator, will be listed under the "My Proposals"
At the top of every course proposal form, there is a "Run Impact Report" function.
This step is required on all change/delete course proposals. Once the function is
selected, choose the appropriate catalog.
If the proposal is for an undergraduate course, choose the Acalog undergraduate course.
If the proposal is for a graduate course, choose the Acalog graduate course. The report
will run and provide results or a "no results" message.
Copy and paste the report results into the required field on the proposal.
At the top right of the Curriculog screen, there is an i icon. Clicking this icon will provide a legend of approval/review symbols.
Importing for change and delete proposals is required so that the most current catalog
information is being used for the edits.
Importing is the first action, which takes place when the user selects the course
or program to work on.
Building the proposal is the second action, which brings the catalog information into
the selected proposal form so the user can begin editing the proposal.
To edit a proposal, choose the field you wish to update/edit.
Backspace or delete to remove information, add information in text boxes where applicable,
or select from drop down or radio buttons.
Formatting is not required any longer, the system will format the track changes.
The user can add/remove/change information as they would on a live document. The track
changes functionality of the system will track all the updates.
Yes. Originators will receive a notification that an edit has been made to their proposal.
You will also receive weekly digest emails.
Originators must launch the proposal and approve the approval. Successful submission requires this two step process.
Originators may withdraw their proposal at any time, however, the functionality to
do so in Curriculog is at the approver/reviewer level. Curriculog's terminology for
withdrawing is cancelling.
If you wish to withdraw your proposal, first check to see what approval process step
your proposal is currently on. Contact that approver/reviewer and ask for them to
cancel your proposal.
If you do not receive a response or that approver/reviewer cannot or will not cancel
your proposal, contact FacultySenate@MissouriState.edu.
First consult the catalog for a similar program (major, minor, certificate, graduate
program) to use as a guide for layout design.
In the new program proposal form, first add or import courses you intend on using
in your program.
Then add sections (cores) and construct the layout using the courses. Add wording,
as needed, to cores.
Use the Preview Curriculum to review the layout. The Office of the Registrar will
fix all formatting, alignment, and numbering issues during implementation.
For questions regarding the approval process, council/committee chair roles, the length
of time for approval as mandated by Faculty Senate rules/bylaws, appeals/challenges,
or consultation regarding proposal content, please contact FacultySenate@MissouriState.edu, Dr. Melinda Novik (MelindaNovik@MissouriState.edu) or a member of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee.
For questions regarding system access, system functionality (including how to use
the systems), or locating a proposal in Curriculog or CAW, please contact Curriculum@MissouriState.edu.