Foundation Award for Teaching

Natasha DeVore

Natasha DeVore

Chemistry & Biochemistry
College of Natural and Applied Sciences

I. Philosophy of Teaching

I am passionate about teaching students biochemistry and giving them the opportunity to conduct research. This is reflected throughout my approach to teaching, by my desire to include all students in research, one-on-mentoring, and preparing my graduate students for their future careers. In a successful learning situation, a student not only comes away from a class with foundational knowledge of the subject matter, but also a desire to investigate further and pass on the new information. Fitting with this belief, my teaching philosophy is that learning must be based on both the acquisition and the application of the given subject matter. I want to encourage my students to understand science as a process, begin to think critically of the subject matter, and understand how that information came to exist. My goal is to encourage active learning of the subject matter, in my lecture courses this includes the use of technology like clickers and Youtube videos and periods of the class dedicated to solving problems and discussion. I also want my students to be able to read, write, and understand scientific literature. Most of my courses contain writing assignments and require students to find and use good references. I also firmly believe in using small assignments to prepare students for more extensive papers or projects.

II. Example of Courses/Topics

  • CHM 352 – Introduction to Biochemistry

  • CHM 353 – Introduction to Biochemistry Lab

  • CHM 554 – Biochemistry I
  • CHM 556 – Biochemistry II
  • CHM 557 – Biochemistry II lab
  • CHM 7-- - Advanced Biochemistry
  • CHM 791 – Preparation for Graduate School, Chemistry and Biochemistry

III. Future Projects

  • Attending the IUSE (Improving Undergraduate STEM Education Initiative) in June 2024. 

  • Getting students involved with research as high school students, implementing a summer program for high school students to come do research.

IV. Topics related to teaching and of interest to the University Community, for which you are available for presentations and/or consultations (e.g., presentation tools, special topics, technology, public affairs).

  • Active learning
  • Lab module development
  • Graduate student preparation and education