University Council Members
University Council (UC) includes AC members, deans, staff and faculty from across the university.
UC holds a two-hour meeting each month. Members serve on the council for one to two years and are nominated for participation by their unit leaders.
Melissa Bledsoe, PhD
Dean, DCOG
Ken Brown, PhD
Chief Academic Strategy Officer
Jen Cox
University Space Manager, Director of Support Services
Brent Dunn
VP, University Advancement
Kim Finch, EdD
Associate Professor, Secretary of Faculty Senate
Chelsey Giles
Director of Institutional Research
Julia Holmes
Deputy Compliance Officer
Tammy Jahnke, PhD
Dean, CNAS
Allen Kunkel
Associate VP for Economic Development
Matt Magruder
Director, Admissions
Theresa McCoy
Deputy Chief Information Officer
Dave Meinert, PhD
Dean, College of Business
Rob Moore
Director, Financial Aid
Andrea Mostyn
Director of Strategic Communications
Sara Nimmo
Director of Magers Health Center
Dan Raines
Director of Academic and Student Services-Athletics
Kelly Rapp, PhD
Director of Career Center
Tamia Schiele
Student Body President
Scot Scobee
Director of Human Resources
Dee Siscoe, PhD
VP, Student Affairs
Stephanie Smith
Executive Director of University Relations
Barri Tinkler, PhD
Dean, College of Education
Andrea Weber, PhD
Assistant Vice President/Dean of Students
Mark Wheeler
University Architect, Director of Planning and Design
Angela Young
Brad Bodenhausen
VP, Community and Global Partnerships
Jeff Coiner
Chief Information Officer
Rachael Dockery
General Counsel, VP for Legal Affairs and Compliance
Greg Fansler
Executive Director of Engagement and Alumni Relations
Teresa Frederick
Director of Residence Life, Housing, and Dining
Mary Lynne Golden
Executive Assistant IV, Provost Office
Rob Hornberger, PhD
Associate VP for Enrollment Management and Services
Campbell Keele
Staff Senate Chair, Coordinator Transfer Initiatives
Dennis Lancaster, PhD
Chancellor, West Plains
Julie Masterson, PhD
Associate Provost, Dean Graduate College
Natalie McNish
Director, Internal Audit and Risk Management
Paula Moore
Assistant VP, Global Education and Engagement
Matt Morris
VP for Administration and Finance
Zora Mulligan
Executive Vice President
Rachel Besara
Interim Dean, Library
Patrick Ransdell
Athletics Director
Robert Rowley
Director of University Safety
Cindy Schull
Assistant VP for Finance and Accounting
Suzanne Shaw
VP, Marketing and Communications
Mark Smith, PhD
Rowena Stone
Secretary to the Board of Governors
Shawn Wahl, PhD
Terry Weber
Director of the Plaster Student Union
Kelly Wood, PhD
Associate Provost for Student Success