Application to Pre-Medical Committee
Complete all of the following steps to prepare for your interview with the Pre-Medical Committee.
Start Here
Submit a copy of your MCAT scores and your Missouri State University M-number to Dr. Matthew Siebert, Chair of the Premedical Committee. Based on your MCAT scores and your MSU academic record, Dr. Siebert will determine your eligibility for a Premedical Committee interview. The committee will not interview students whose academic record is likely to preclude admission to medical school.
Prepare an application packet
If you are advised that you are eligible for a committee interview, prepare an application packet consisting of the following items:
- Completed Request for Premedical Committee Interview (attached). Be sure to attach a current photograph of yourself.
- Completed and signed Student Personal History/Profile (attached). Create a neat, accurate and typed form. Your personal statement presents an opportunity to distinguish yourself from other applicants and should be taken seriously.
- Completed and signed Waiver form for the committee evaluation (attached).
- Completed and signed Waiver form for the individual evaluations (attached).
- Copies of all MCAT scores.
- Unofficial copies of all college academic transcripts.
Make an appointment
Make an appointment to meet with Dr. Siebert. Prior to this meeting send an electronic copy of your application, your transcript(s), and your MCAT scores. At the meeting Dr. Siebert will help select your two MSU faculty evaluators for one-on-one interviews. Typically, one evaluator will be somebody you know who is a pre-medical advisor and the other evaluator will be a faculty member who is familiar with premedical studies and who may or may not know you. Members of the Premedical Committee can, and frequently do, serve as evaluators.
Dr. Siebert will confirm with you the selected evaluators and then you should contact each person and make a 45-minute appointment for a one-on-one interview. Once the individual interviews have been confirmed contact Dr. Siebert and he will make sure each interviewer has copies of the following items from your premedical committee application packet:
- Student Personal History/Profile
- MCAT scores
- Academic transcripts (unofficial)
Committee interview scheduled
As soon as your application is complete (all materials listed under item #2 plus the two personal evaluations), a committee interview will be scheduled. Committee interviews are conducted by a subset of the Premedical Committee (usually 4 members) and typically last 45 minutes. After the interview is over, the Committee members who were present at the interview will discuss your credentials and will select a level of recommendation from the following list:
- Recommended enthusiastically
- Recommended highly
- Recommended
- Recommended with reservations
- Not recommended
If upon learning of the outcome you wish to proceed with your application, two members of the Premedical committee will draft a detailed letter of recommendation that highlights your strengths within the context of our overall level of recommendation.