Student Opportunities and Services
Internships and part-time employment
The Springfield Metropolitan Bar Association maintains a list of law firms that are seeking part-time student workers. Missouri State’s pre-law advisors keep updated on firms that are seeking assistance and make that information available to students.
Pre-law students have had internships with the Springfield City Attorney and the Springfield Metropolitan Bar Association. Many of the interns from the Missouri Legislative Internship Program, regardless of major, are pre-law students.
Applying to law school
Given your undergraduate GPA and your LSAT score, which law schools are you most likely to be a successful applicant?
One very important thing to consider is the number of law schools to which you should apply. Of course, there will be the one or two “dream schools,” but to be practical it is important to consider several possible law schools. On average, students in the United States apply to more than five different law schools.
This means that it is important to know where to find the most likely schools you really want to attend, schools where you will be successful, and schools that should be a sure thing. Fortunately most of this work has already been done. The Boston College Career Center provides resources for researching law schools in the United States, such as by GPA and LSAT scores of successful candidates. This is a great place to start your search.
Law School Admission Council
The Law School Admission Council, also known as LSAC, is a nonprofit corporation that provides products and services to ease the admission process for law schools and their applicants worldwide. LSAC administers the Law School Admission Test, also known as LSAT, and the Law School Credential Assembly Service.