BA Four-Year Degree Plan

The following is a sample schedule for this major – your actual schedule may vary.

Meet with your advisor and review the class schedule before confirming your schedule.

Missouri State is committed to helping you graduate in four years.

The following degree plan, last reviewed 01-10-2019, is based on the 2018-19 catalog and Missouri State general education requirements.

First semester (fall)

Courses Hours
GEP 101 First-Year Foundations 2
ENG 110 Writing I 3
PLS 101 American Democracy and Citizenship 3
HST 103 World History to Circa 1600 C.E.
or HST 104 World History since 1600 C.E.
Humanities - General Education 3
Quantitative Literacy - General Education 3
Total hours 17

Second semester (spring)

Courses Hours
COM 115 Fundamentals of Public Speaking 3
HST 121 Survey of the History of the United States to 1877
or HST 122 Survey of the History of the United States since 1877
Cultural Competence - General Education 3
Life Sciences - General Education 4
Total hours 13

Third semester (fall)

Courses Hours
ENG 210 Writing II: Writing Across the Disciplines 3
PHI 105 Critical Thinking
or PHI 115 Ethics and Contemporary Issues
PLS 205 Comparative Politics 3
PLS 232 International Relations 3
BA Requirement - Foreign Language 3
Total hours 15

Fourth semester (spring)

Courses Hours
Physical Sciences - General Education 3
Humanities - General Education 3
PLS 255 Public Administration 3
Public Issues - General Education 3
BA Requirement - Foreign Language 3
Total hours 15

Fifth semester (fall)

Courses Hours
HST 103 World History to Circa 1600 C.E.
or HST 104 World History since 1600 C.E.
US American Government or Public Law 3
PLS elective 3
Course for minor 3
BA Requirement - Foreign Language 3
Total hours 15

Sixth semester (spring)

Courses Hours
US American Government or Public Law 3
PLS elective or PLS Internship 3
PLS 330 Introduction to Political Theory 3
Course for minor 3
BA Requirement - Foreign Language 3
Total hours 15

Seventh semester (fall)

Courses Hours
BA Requirement - Fine Arts 3
Course for minor 3
Course for minor 3
PLS elective or PLS Internship 6
Total hours 15

Eighth semester (spring)

Courses Hours
PLS elective or PLS Internship 6
BA Requirement - Fine Arts 3
Course for minor 3
Course for minor 3
University exit survey 0
Total hours 15

Tips for success

  • Depending on areas of interest and career goals, political science majors are required to complete 15 hours of elective from at least 3 of 6 subfields: American govt. and politics, international politics, comparative governments and politics, public administration, political theory, or public law.
  • PLS capstone requirement can be fulfilled with PLS 493/internship or PLS 497/education abroad related only.