Historical Departmental Profiles
Departmental Profiles – Archived Back Years
The Departmental Profiles provide a very detailed look at each academic department at the Springfield campus of Missouri State University. Information included describes the types and headcounts of personnel, counts of majors by program and completions by program, credit hour production in the department's courses, credit hour costs, and a variety of productivity descriptors. In addition, aggregations are made by college and for the university as a whole.
In most instances data is provided for five years to show trends.
Each department has two pages:
- Personnel Descriptors and Delaware Study Comparisons
- Enrollment/Program Descriptors, Average Salary Data with CUPA Comparisons, and Productivity Descriptors
Departmental Profiles 2008-2009 (PDF)
Departmental Profiles 2007-2008 (PDF)
Narrative (PDF)
The Narrative includes Information Sources, Interpretive Notes, Glossary of Terms, Description of Abbreviations, and Calculation Procedures.