BM Four-Year Degree Plan: Music Performance - Instrumental Performance Track

The following is a sample schedule for this major – your actual schedule may vary.

Meet with your advisor and review the class schedule before confirming your schedule.

Missouri State is committed to helping you graduate in four years.

The below schedule is only one example of a possible degree plan and is provided for informational purposes only. Meet with an advisor early to develop a degree plan that best suits your needs.

The following degree plan, last reviewed 06-21-2018, is based on the 2018-19 catalog and Missouri State general education requirements.

First semester (fall)

Courses Hours
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MUS 107 Recital Attendance I 0
MUS 137 Piano Class I 1
ENG 110 Writing I 3
Applied Music (Lesson) 2
Large Ensemble 1
GEP 101 First-Year Foundations
or UHC 110 Freshman Honors Seminar
Quantitative Literacy - General Education 3
Total hours 15

Second semester (spring)

Courses Hours
MUS 104 Theory and Musicianship II 3
MUS 108 Recital Attendance II 0
MUS 138 Piano Class II 1
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Applied Music (Lesson) 2
Large Ensemble 1
Social and Behavior Sciences - General Education 3
Writing II 3
Total hours 16

Third semester (fall)

Courses Hours
MUS 203 Theory and Musicianship III 3
MUS 207 Recital Attendance III 0
MUS 237 Piano Class III 1
Applied Music (Lesson) 2
Large Ensemble 1
HST 121 Survey of the History of the United States to 1877
or HST 122 Survey of the History of the United States since 1877
Humanities - General Education 3
Social and Behavior Sciences - General Education 3
Total hours 16

Fourth semester (spring)

Courses Hours
MUS 204 Theory and Musicianship IV 3
MUS 208 Recital Attendance IV 0
MUS 239 Introduction to World Music 3
MUS 298 Upper Division Applied Status 0
PLS 101 American Democracy and Citizenship 3
Applied Music (Lesson) 2
Large Ensemble 1
Small Ensemble 1
Life Sciences or Physical Sciences (with lab) - General Education 4
Piano Proficiency Exam 0
Total hours 17

Fifth semester (fall)

Courses Hours
MUS 307 Recital Attendance V 0
MUS 321 Conducting 2
MUS 345 Music in Western Culture and Society I 3
Advanced Music Theory 2
Applied Music (Lesson) 3
Large Ensemble 1
Small Ensemble 1
Foreign language 3
Total hours 15

Sixth semester (spring)

Courses Hours
MUS 308 Recital Attendance VI 0
MUS 346 Music in Western Culture and Society II 3
MUS 398 Junior Recital 2-4
Applied Music (Lesson) 2
Large Ensemble 1
Small Ensemble 1
Foreign language 3
Life Sciences or Physical Sciences (no lab) - General Education 3
Total hours 15

Seventh semester (fall)

Courses Hours
MUS 407 Recital Attendance VII 0
MUS 538 Survey of Pedagogical Methods 2
Advanced Music History 3
Advanced Music Theory 2
Applied Music (Lesson) 3
Large Ensemble 1
Small Ensemble 1
General elective 4
Total hours 16

Eighth semester (spring)

Courses Hours
MUS 498 Senior Recital 2-4
Advanced Music History 3
Advanced Music Theory 2
Large Ensemble 1
Cultural Competence - General Education 3
Public Issues - General Education 3
University exit survey 0
Music Assessment Exam 0
Total hours 15