Dr. Daniel S. Hellman

Postal mail
- PhD, Music Education, University of Southern Mississippi
- MME, Music Education, University of Southern Mississippi
- BME, Music Education, Northwestern State University of Louisiana
- MUS 411 Secondary Instrumental Methods and Materials
- MUS 488 Seminar in Student Teaching
- MUS 494 Supervised Teaching (Elementary General Music)
- MUS 496 Supervised Teaching (Secondary Music)
- MUS 499
- MUS 707 Psychology of Music
- MUS 720
- MUS 790 Research Project
- MUS 799 Thesis
Research and professional interests
Daniel Hellman is Associate Professor and Coordinator of Music Education at Missouri State University where his teaching duties include undergraduate and graduate courses in music education, supervising student teachers, advising music education majors and guiding graduate students’ theses. Prior to joining the faculty at Missouri State, he taught at Anna Maria College, Northwestern Oklahoma State University, and the Terrebonne and St. Charles Parish School Districts in Louisiana.
Hellman’s primary research interests are instrumental music learning, preservice teacher preparation, and social issues in music education. He regularly presents paper at regional and national conferences. He is published in the Journal of Research in Music Education, the Journal of Music Teacher Education, Update: Applications of Research in Music Education, Research and Issues in Music Education, the Southeastern Journal of Music Education and The Harp Therapy Journal. He is editor of the Missouri Journal of Music Education and has served as a reviewer for music education conferences and other publications.
In addition, Hellman has held several leadership roles in teacher education and currently serves as the state chair for the Society of Music Teacher Education. He has also worked as a content consultant at state and national standard setting conferences. At Missouri State, Hellman has served as chair of the Professional Education Committee, the Secondary/K12 Oversight Committee, and the Conceptual Frameworks Committee.
Awards and honors
Luella Stuck Cline Library Resources Award, April 2008