Admission Requirements

Becoming a music education major

To begin course work in the field of music education, you initially need to be admitted to Missouri State. Before completing 75 credit hours, you must also be admitted to a degree program.

Admission requirements

The music education program is offered in partnership with the College of Education. You must meet certain admission and certification requirements to continue in the program.

Additional audition information

Audition dates are announced in the fall of each academic year. At that time you will have an opportunity to do all of the following: audition with the faculty of your interest area(s), audition with the ensemble director(s) of your interest area(s), take a theory placement exam, take a campus tour arranged with the admissions office, and observe a concert chorale rehearsal, if you are a vocalist.

The audition with the area faculty is for acceptance as a music major, placement into an applied studio, and consideration for any area scholarships that might be available. The audition with the ensemble director(s) is for acceptance into one or more ensembles and consideration for talent awards and/or band grants.


The admission process

To gain full admittance into the music education program, follow the steps below:

  1. Declare or change your major to music education by visiting the Academic Advising and Transfer Center, University Hall 109
  2. Meet with your assigned advisor to discuss admission requirements and to develop a plan of study
  3. Complete the admission requirements listed above, including the C-BASE exam
  4. Enroll in SEC 302 to automatically apply for your program

When you declare your major, you will be listed as a pre-major until you satisfy all admission requirements. 

Application review

Upon completion of the above requirements, a student’s record is reviewed and submitted to the Educator Preparation Provider Council (EPPC) for admission to Teacher Education. A student’s qualifications for continuance in Teacher Education is subject to review and change by the EPPC at any time while the student is enrolled. Students must consult with their program for specific program requirements.