Dr. Judith Martinez

Languages Cultures and Religions
Postal mail
Missouri State University
Languages Cultures and Religions
901 S. National Ave.
- PhD, Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies, Hispanic emphasis, 2017, University of Arkansas
- MAT, French and Spanish as a Second Language Certification, 2005, Missouri State University
- BS, Law and Social Sciences, 2002, Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
- 2002 BS, Secondary Education, French and English as a Second Language emphasis, 2002, Escuela Normal Superior del Estado de Nuevo León
- SPN 101, 102, 201, 202, 205
- SPN 287 Intensive Grammar
- SPN 312 Spanish Grammar and Composition
- SPN 318 Spanish for Law Enforcement
- SPN 326 Latin American Civilization
- SPN 312 Spanish for Heritage Speakers
- SPN 460 Latin American Literature
- SPN 480 Directed Readings: Latinx Poetry
- SPN 410 Advanced Translation
- SPN 495 Seminar in Special Topics
- SPN 725 Seminar Latin American Literature and Pedagogical Strategies
- MCL Student Teaching Supervision
- EDC 345 Introduction to Multicultural Education
- EDC 150 Introduction to Education
- EDC 345 Introduction to Multicultural Education ITV/Zoom Section
- UHC 300 Level Project Supervision
- UHC 110 Special Topics: Latinx Literature focused on: Violence in the Northern Mexican Border
- GEP 101 First Year College Experience
- ENG 286 Literature, Culture and Post Conflict
Professional experience
- Assistant Professor of Spanish, Modern and Classical Languages, Missouri State University, Fall 2018- Present
- Provost Fellow for Faculty Development, Missouri State University Spring, 2021-Present
- Provost Fellow for Diversity, Missouri State University, 2019-2021
- University Instructor, Modern and Classical Languages, Missouri State University, 2011-2017
- American School Foundation of Monterrey, Monterrey, N.L. Mexico, 2007-2011
- Hispanic Initiative Coordinator, College of Education, Missouri State University, 2005-2011
- University Instructor, College of Education, Missouri State University, 2005-2007
- Graduate Assistant, College of Education (Hispanic Initiative), Missouri State University, 2003-2005
- 6-12 Language Teacher, Central High School, Springfield, Missouri, 2004-2006
- 6-12 Language Teacher, Sparta R-III District, Sparta, Missouri, 2002-2003
- College Instructor of French and Spanish, Escuela Normal Superior del Estado “Profr. Moisés Sanz Garza”, Monterrey, N.L. México, 2000-2004
- 7th grade Language Teacher, Escuela Secundaria Número 10, 1998-2000
Professional affiliations
- American Council of Teaching Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
- Latin American Studies Association (LASA)
- American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA)
- Diversity Education Leadership Academy (DELA)
- Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU)
Selected peer-reviewed publications
- Martínez, Judith. “Perra Brava y El Estado Adulterado.” El Malestar Del Posconflicto: Aportes de la crítica literaria y cultural Instituto Caro y Cuervo, Antoquia, Colombia. 2018.
- Martínez, Judith. “A Perspective on Mexican Forced Migration.” A Perspective of Multicultural Education and Diversity, Ed. por D.I. Barrón. Kendall Hunt, Dubuque, IA, 2020.
- Martínez, Judith. “2666 y La Fractura De Un Estado Neoliberal.” Ciberletras Revista De Crítica Literaria y Cultural, Lehman College. New York. 2020.
- Martínez, Judith. “De Mujer a Mujer. Desaprendiendo Lo Aprendido.” Revista De Equidad y Género, TSJENL. Monterrey, Nuevo León. 2018
Research and professional interests
- Forced migration
- Neoliberal violence in the Mexican borders
- Critical theory
- Border literature (Mexico)
- Latinx literature
Awards and honors
- Community Foundation of the Ozarks Grant to Develop Early College for Missouri State University Curriculum for Heritage Learners of Spanish as a Recruitment tool, 2020
- Assessment Grant “Social Distances vs Physical Distances: Creating a Classroom Community”, Missouri State University, 2020
- Member of CODERS Project External Grant, Missouri State University, 2020
- Director’s Award for Outstanding Faculty Research Honors College, Missouri State University, 2020
- Curtis T. Lawrence Master Teaching Award. Missouri State University, 2029
- Diversity Scholar Award, Faculty Center for teaching and Learning, Missouri State University, 2017
- Master Advisor, Missouri State University, 2017
- Recognition from Student Athletes, Missouri State University: Maroon and White Banquet, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017
- Professor of the Month, Palhenelic Association, Student Association, Missouri State University, 2012
- Latina Leadership Award, Office of Diversity Inclusion, Missouri State University, 2011
- PALMS, National Award for developing Programs for Recruitment of Latinx Students for Higher Education, 2005