Honors College Staff

Dr. John Chuchiak, Honors College Director

Dr. John F. Chuchiak, IV

Director and Professor of Colonial Latin American History

Dr. Chuchiak is a specialist on colonial Latin American history with a research emphasis on the history of Mexico and Maya ethnohistory. He teaches a variety of history courses, ranging from introductory courses on Western and world civilizations, upper level undergraduate courses on Latin American civilization and pre-Columbian cultures, and graduate courses on the history of Mexico, Mesoamerican ethnohistory, and the history of the Inquisition in Spain and the New World.

Dr. Chuchiak's general research focuses on the history of the colonial church in México with a special emphasis on the Franciscan Missions, the Inquisition and the Catholic Church in colonial Yucatán. His most recent publications have examined the contact and colonial transformation of the indigenous cultures of México, most notably the Maya of Yucatan. He is especially interested in researching the realms of Christian mission history, religion, ethnic conflict, gender and social change in the wider Atlantic world.

Dr. Chuchiak has served as Director of the Honors College since 2011.

Scott Handley

Scott Handley

Associate Director and Coordinator of the University Fellowships Office

Scott earned a B.A. in History from the Honors College at Texas Tech University in 1997 and an M.A. in German & European Studies from Georgetown University in 2000. His academic interests include 19th & 20th century European history, German politics, and political integration within the European Union. He has lived and traveled in Europe and the Middle East.

Scott serves as the primary academic advisor for all undeclared students in the Honors College. He assists students with all aspects of academic planning, including progress towards graduation, major selection, course registration, and preparation for graduate study. He also advises students on competitive national scholarships and fellowship opportunities.

Scott has served as Associate Director since 2010. He was certified as a Master Advisor in August of that year.

Casondra Prock

Casondra Prock

Program Manager/Administrative Assistant III

Cassie earned a B.S. in Historic Preservation and a B.A. in History with a minor in Archaeology at Southeast Missouri State University. They graduated with academic distinction in the Department of History and Anthropology and as an honors scholar in the Jane Stephens Honors Program. Their academic interests include counterculture history, forensic anthropology, and pre-contact archaeology. Cassie is an anime/manga enthusiast and enjoys painting, digital design, and frequenting local coffee shops. 

Cassie assists students in navigating Missouri State University policies and procedures and is a valuable liaison to a range of administrative offices. They manage most of the creative tasks in the Honors College such as designing Honors College marketing materials, t-shirts, and promotional giveaways; planning events for the honors community; and overseeing Honors College social media. They also process reimbursements for student and faculty funding requests.

Cassie started serving the Honors College in May 2022. They were certified as a Master Advisor in August of that year and Safe Zone certified October of that year. 

Emma Bishop

Molly Del Rossi

Academic Advisor and Managing Editor of LOGOS: A Journal of Undergraduate Research

Molly Del Rossi graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in English/Creative Writing from the Honors College in May 2023. She also had a minor in Journalism and earned a certificate in Editing and Publishing. She is currently pursuing an M.A. in English. She hopes to start her career in editing or publishing after she receives her Master's. Molly is a poet primarily and hopes to submit her poetry chapter book she worked on during her undergrad to competitions or publishers. Her biggest goal is to create a new piece of writing every single day. 

Molly plays several roles within the Honors College, including managing the production of LOGOS: A Journal of Undergraduate Research and overseeing Honors College communications. Her most important role is serving as a student advisor. Students are encouraged to contact Molly for assistance with becoming involved in or submitting to LOGOS, selecting majors/minors, registering for classes, exploring departmental distinction, or preparing for graduate studies. Any other questions about matters pertaining to academic studies are also welcome.

Molly started serving Honors College in May 2023. She was certified as a Master Advisor in August of that year. 

Harmony Rose Vodicka

Harmony Rose Vodicka

Copy Editor and Chief Editor of LOGOS: A Journal of Undergraduate Research

Harmony Rose Vodicka is currently a junior at Missouri State University pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Professional Writing, with minors in Creative Writing, Criminology, and English for Speakers of Other Languages. She will be earning certification in Advocacy Writing, Legal and Argument Writing, Science Writing, and Workplace Writing. She plans to continue her schooling until she receives her doctoral degree in English and will be researching places to receive her Master's through a Grad Assistantship in the coming semesters. Her current career goal is to become a grant writer and help non-profit organizations receive funding through federal aid, however, her dream is to work from home, in a small cottage in Switzerland, writing fantasy novels. 

Harmony Rose is the current Copy Editor for Volume 17 and Chief Editor for Volume 18 of LOGOS: A Journal of Undergraduate Research. She has been working for LOGOS as a Peer Reviewer since she started school at MSU in August of 2022 and is now one of the leading editors of the journal. She is responsible for editing the final submissions, formatting the journal, and designing the cover of the current volume. In the spring, she will be responsible for overseeing the peer review process and editing the submitted pieces. If you swing by the Honors College office, you may find her editing away!


Elisa Peters

Elisa Peters

Office Assistant/Social Media Manager

Elisa Peters is a current junior at Missouri State University pursuing a BFA in Art/Painting and both Spanish and Latin American, Hispanic and Caribbean minors. She hopes to enroll in an M.F.A painting program upon graduation and continue producing work for her portfolio. Elisa aims to work as a practicing artist as long as she can and then possibly pursue teaching. Elisa is a member of Sartorial Magazine, MSU’s source for fashion, culture, and beauty and participates as a writer, model, and photographer. Elisa enjoys hiking, camping, thrifting, and reading. 

Elisa assists in the management of the Honors College Instagram account, plans and executes events for the Honors College, and meets with prospective students to inform them about the benefits of the Honors College. Elisa also completes administrative tasks within the office of the Honors College, so you may receive an email from her!

Sophia Somala

Sophia Samala

Office Assistant/Social Media Manager

Sophia Samala is a current sophomore at Missouri State University, working towards a Bachelor of Science in History with minors in Communication & Theatre. She hopes to find a career in the History field while staying involved with her passion for Theatre and Theatre Performance! When not at work, Sophia is an executive officer of Melaqueer: a club dedicated to making a safe space for QTPOC (Queer Trans People of Color) to make a community, meet new people, and have fun while doing it! She is also an intern at the GLO Center in Downtown Springfield, which is the Queer Community Center for the entire Ozarks. (P.S. Chappel Roan personally donated to this organization!) 

Sophia assists in the management of the Honor College office. So far, she has built a few cabinets, unpacked from the office change from University Hall to Meyer Library, and bothered Scott Handley with the daily news. Otherwise, she answers calls, helps plan Honors College events, and informs students about the benefits of the Honors College.