Instructor Recruitment

GEP 101 Instructor Recruitment for the Fall 2025 semester will begin soon! Watch for the Fall 2025 Instructor application in January 2025.

I teach GEP 101 because it's an extremely fun way to connect with and support new students as they transition to college. - Three-time GEP 101 Instructor

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GEP 101 is a two-credit hour, two-contact hour class. All Fall 2024 sections are 12-week classes in a blended format (two 50-minute periods per week seated plus thirty minutes of online work per week for 12 weeks); instructors will continue to offer support for the remaining four weeks of the semester after the course has ended.

Directions for submitting the Instructor Application:

  • Save the PDF to your computer
  • Open the PDF in Adobe Reader
  • Complete the form & save with YOUR NAME in the file name
  • You have two options for submission:

I teach GEP 101 because our first semester students inspire me. - Five+-time GEP 101 instructor

Requirements to teach

Summary of Required Criteria for GEP 101 Instructor Selection:

  • Master’s Degree or higher.
  • First priority to full-time faculty and staff. Instructor must be employed at MSU during the semester they are teaching. As a reminder, staff must make arrangements with their supervisor for an equivalent adjustment in daily work schedule.
  • Agree to course requirements listed on page 3 of the Instructor Application.
  • Teach course in 12-week, blended format and continue to offer support in remaining four weeks of semester.
  • Completion of mandatory three-hour Instructor Development Workshop (choose from Monday, April 15th, 4 - 7 p.m. or Saturday, April 20th, 9 a.m. - noon) AND one-hour workshop (a selection of various topics and dates will be announced).
  • See page 1 of the Instructor Application for a summary of Preferred Criteria for GEP 101 instructors.

I teach GEP 101 to make students feel welcome, seen, and give them a sense of community and preparation for college. - First-time GEP 101 instructor

Selection process:

  • First priority to full-time faculty and staff who meet preferred criteria listed above.
  • First-Year Programs will obtain written approval from department head/supervisor for faculty and staff before final selection.
  • Final selection determined by Director of First-Year Programs and Associate Vice President for Student Success and approved by the First-Year Council.

Benefits for faculty and staff

  • Opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration and pedagogical innovation.
  • Enhanced collegiality across disciplines.
  • Increased awareness of students' academic and personal needs.
  • Contributing to the success and retention of first-year students.

I teach GEP 101 because it allows me to connect with students in a different way from my normal work at MSU! - Three-time GEP 101 instructor

Stipend information

GEP 101 Compensation Schedule:
Classification of Faculty/Staff Compensation Per Section
Professor $3,200
Associate Professor $2,800
Assistant Professor $2,400
Instructors/non-tenure track/per course $2,400
Staff with Doctorate $2,400
Staff with Masters $2,400


Faculty may teach as part of load as determined by their departments, for stipend, or transfer of funds*. Faculty members must have department head or supervisor's approval.

*Note regarding “transfer of funds” to department option: To avoid any tax issue, the instructor:

  1. agrees before class begins by signature on Position Request form, and
  2. does not direct the use of the funds after transfer.


Staff who teach must have permission from their supervisor. They must make up the lost time on their jobs if teaching for stipend. It is not legal or ethical to receive money from two University sources for the same working hours. An email requesting supervisor approval will be sent from First-Year Programs and retained on file.

I teach GEP 101 because it’s so fun to help the new students get to know Missouri State! - Four-time GEP 101 instructor