SET Card Cash Withdrawal
The SET Card has a cash withdrawal feature that allows cardholders to withdraw funds from any ATM that accepts VISA credit cards. The Cardholder will need a PIN (Personal Identification Number) in order to withdraw money from any ATM.
The amount of cash required will need to be included in the SET Card Application Form and listed under the ‘Cash Withdrawal Amount’.
Note: It takes 5-7 business days to get the PIN number setup with the bank.
1. Withdrawing money in Springfield:
If the cardholder plans on withdrawing money before they leave on their travel, they can go to one of the two UMB Bank branches located in Springfield, MO. Missouri State University has worked it out with UMB Bank for the cardholder to go directly to the teller and collect the money without having to use an ATM. The PIN number is not required when going to the UMB Bank!
The following items will need to be taken to UMB Bank:
- SET Card
- Missouri State University BearPass card
- SET Card letter provided to by the Office of Procurement Services.
2. Withdrawing money from ATMs:
- Money withdrawn from a UMB Bank ATM will not incur any withdrawal fees. This link can be used to find the nearest UMB Bank ATM.
Note: UMB Bank does not have ATMs located outside the US.
- Money withdrawn from a non-UMB Bank ATM will incur withdrawal fees. The fees could be a flat fee or a percent of the amount withdrawn. Money can also be withdrawn from any ATM that accepts VISA credit cards, both domestic and international.