Frequently Asked Questions
Accounting and Budgeting Frequently Asked Questions
Question: When should I use an Independent Contractor Form (ICF)?
Answer: An Independent Contractor Form (ICF) should be used when you are contracting for
payment to an individual for personal services that they generally offer to the general
public. An individual is generally an independent contractor if the University has
the right to control or direct only the results of the work and not what will be done and how it will be done. An individual
will not be considered an Independent Contractor if the services performed are controlled
by the University. They would be considered an employee at this point and would need
a PAF.
Question: Do I use a Payment Request Form or do a Requisition?
Answer: Payment Request Forms may be used for after-the-fact payments from approved categories up to $10,000.
Some acceptable examples include: Office supply charges, performance contracts, refunds,
rent payments, reimbursements, phone bills, or utility bills. Requisitions should be utilized for future purchases of $10,000 and above, or may be utilized
for amounts under $10,000 in those instances where the Procurement Card is not used,
or when a payment request is not utilized. Some acceptable examples include: application
fees, consulting, deposits, event guarantees (banquets, entry fees, field trips rentals),
insurance, maintenance agreements, membership dues, registrations, or subscriptions.
Question: Do employee reimbursements need to go on a Payment Request Form or a Travel Expense Report?
Answer: Reimbursement requests from individuals for items purchased outside the university
travel expense policy or petty cash of any dollar amount over $1 would go on a Payment
Request Form. Meals would be part of the travel policy and should be submitted on
a Travel Expense Report. Food purchased as a supply for a class or event would be
considered a reimbursement that should be submitted on a Payment Request Form.
Question: Do I do a budget transfer or a journal upload?
Answer: If a transaction has already occurred and was charged to the incorrect account or
needs to be allocated to various accounts, a journal upload will need to be completed.
This is done by sending an email or memo to the budget analyst assigned to your cost center. Sometimes a department/unit wants to financially support an expenditure of another
department. Also, some units hold budget centrally and distribute it throughout the
year as needed by other departments. These both can be accomplished thorough a budget
Question: When do I request an 83000 Transfer?
Answer: If the accounts of both the giving and the receiving units are in different funds,
you will need to request and entry through Financial Services using the 83000 account
code. This is accomplished by sending an email or memo to the budget analyst assigned to your cost center. Transfers for academic purposed exceeding $100,000 must be approved by the Chief
Financial Officer or the President. Transfer of funds for non-academic purposes exceeding
$25,000 must be approved by the Chief Financial Officer or the President.
Question: Do I use a 5xxxx or 73900?
Answer: 5xxxx is used when you are depositing funds from an outside source. 73900 is used
when your unit is doing an internal billing by providing a service to other departments
on campus.