FCTL Advisory Council
The FCTL Faculty Advisory Council members serve as faculty liaisons between their respective colleges and the FCTL by seeking input from colleagues and reporting updates to their college. They support the FCTL by providing:
- Insight into faculty teaching and learning development needs.
- Feedback on FCTL conferences and events.
- Peer review services for competive faculty programs, such as the FCTL Teaching Excellence Awards, Teaching & Learning Grants, and Showcase Proposals.
Faculty Members
The FCTL Advisory Council includes a dean-appointed faculty representative from each college. The FCTL Faculty appointments are for two-year terms. To promote diversity in representation, colleges are encouraged to rotate the appointment among different faculty ranks with each new term. Deans, Associate Deans, School Directors, and Provost Fellows are not eligible to serve.
College of Business
Person item component: JasonSpeer@MissouriState.edu
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College of Education
Person item component: nicolewest@missouristate.edu
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College of Natural and Applied Sciences
Person item component: AveryRussell@MissouriState.edu
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DARR College of Agriculture
Person item component: ShianneMoreland@MissouriState.edu
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McQueary College of Health and Human Services
Person item component: ANPayne@MissouriState.edu
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Reynolds College of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities
Person item component: Jlaprade@missouristate.edu
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