Pesticide application tanks and mix tanks must periodically be rinsed when there is a change in type of pesticide to be used. The rinse water from this operation must not be discharged onto the ground or into the storm sewers. Whenever possible, the water should be used as make up water for future applications of pesticides. The water that cannot be use must be handled in accordance with this guidance document.
Rinse water with noticeable pesticides must be handled as hazardous waste. It is to be accumulated in designated containers that are properly marked and labeled per DOT requirements.
Rinse water without noticeable pesticides odors may be discharged into the Springfield sanitary sewers. Generally, this will only include water from the second or third rinsing of the containers. The amount discharged is to be reported to the Director of Environmental Management.
You may use equipment rinsate as a diluent for future pesticide mixtures, if:
- the pesticide in the rinsate is labeled for use on the target site where the new mixture is to be applied,
- the amount of pesticide in the rinsate plus the amount of pesticide product in the mixture does not exceed the labeling rate for the target site,
- the rinsate is used to dilute a mixture containing the same pesticide or a compatible pesticide, and/or
- you comply with other application instructions specified on the labeling, including any specific labeling instructions for application as an excess pesticide.
The rinsate cannot be added to a pesticide mixture if:
- the pesticide labeling does not list the rinsate as an acceptable diluent; for example, if the rinsate contains a strongly acidic or alkaline neutralizing agent,
- the rinsate contains strong cleaning agents, such as bleach or ammonia, that might harm the plant, animal, or surface to which the pesticide will be applied, and/or
- the rinsate would alter the pesticide mixture and make it unusable; for example, if the pesticides are physically or chemically incompatible.
If you have any rinsates that you cannot use, dispose of them as you would excess pesticides. Contact the Director of Environmental Management for assistance in proper handling and to arrange for disposal.