Residual amounts of unused paint and waste paint generated on campus will be used elsewhere on campus, whenever possible. The Theater and Dance Department uses paint for backdrops and should be the first choice in finding paint a user for residual paint products. If no department on campus wants the paint, it will be made available to not-for-profit organizations like Habitat for Humanity (831-3841), Springfield Council of Churches (862-3586), and Springfield Little Theater (869-1334). Waste paint is not to be given to Missouri State employees for personal use.
Consumers are encouraged to use latex paint whenever feasible. This reduces that amount of clean-up solvents generated and makes recycling paint easier. Oil-based paint will generally be disposed of through the hazardous waste disposal company. To minimize waste, personnel should purchase only the volumes they will use for their project.
Small amounts of latex paint that are deemed to be unusable will either be dried and disposed of into the trash or bulked and shipped out with the hazardous waste. Small amounts in the bottom of the paint can may be poured into another can and the residual allowed to dry out or absorbents may be added to the paint and allowed to dry before disposal into the trash dumpster. No liquid paint is to be placed into the trash dumpster.
Spent solvents generated in the Art & Design Department will be allowed to settle, and the clear solvent decanted from the container for re-use. The solids will then be added to the waste paint- related material container in the hazardous waste storage area for disposal as a hazardous waste. Satellite accumulation labeling must be provided for the solvents awaiting decanting. The recovered solvents are no longer considered a waste, and thus, are not required to be labeled as such.