Lab animals that may be infectious or which have been preserved in formalin must be bagged in the red bio hazard bags and placed in bio-hazard boxes available through the Director of Environmental Management (6-8334). There must be no liquids and no leaks from the bags. A gelling agent is available from the Environmental Management office to add to the bags to eliminate free liquids. Double bagging is mandatory.
Because the disposal costs are based on cubic feet, boxes should be loaded to approach the 40 pound limit. It is imperative that the bottoms of the boxes be taped using shipping tape, running the tape 6" up each side. The tops will be taped by Environmental Management after the boxes are removed from the classrooms.
The animals must be removed from the formaldehyde (formalin) or the liquids must be poured off into another container. The liquids will be handled separately as a hazardous waste.
Non-infectious animals and those that have not been preserved may be double bagged in black plastic bags and disposed of into the dumpster. Because of the trash pick up schedule, this waste should be placed in the dumpsters on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If it is anticipated that a large volume of animals will be generated at one time, the Director of Environmental Management should be contacted for additional guidance.