Scheduling Out-of-Class Exams

Instructions for completing the Accommodated Testing Agreement

  1. Accommodated Testing Agreements must be completed while meeting with your instructor.
  2. Go to the DRC homepage and click the “Request your Accommodations” link on the left side of the page.
  3. Click on the “Sign In” button and use your BearPass login and password to sign into the Bear Access system.
  4. Click on the Alternative Testing link on the left side of your “My Dashboard” page.
  5. In the top right corner of the page, click on the Submit Alternative Testing Agreement link.
  6. In the box labeled “Step 1 – Select Your Class,” choose the class that you are having the meeting for from the dropdown menu.
    • Note: If you do not see the class listed, you may not have selected Alternative Testing accommodations for that class when requesting your accommodations. You will need to either modify your request or submit an accommodation request for the class if that is not done yet.
  7. In the box labeled “Step 2 – Select Alternative Testing Agreement Type,” select the Accommodated Testing Agreement – Fall 2021 option, and then click the button marked “Step 3 – Continue to Fill Alternative Testing.”
  8. Go through each of the questions with your instructor to determine how the University Testing Center will administer your exams.
    • Note: If a response you select says Specify Below afterword, you must enter something into the “Additional Note or Comment” box for that questions or your Testing Agreement will not process.
  9. In the box labeled “Exam Type(s),” make sure that you enter the amount of time that is regularly given to the class for the exam. Bear Access will calculate the extended time from this number.
  10. An instructor phone number is required so that the Testing Center is able to contact them.
  11. Read through the Term(s) and Condition(s) statements and check the box next to each of them
  12. Click on the “Submit Alternative Testing” button.
    • Note: When you submit your testing agreement, a copy of the agreement answers will be sent to your instructor for confirmation. Please ask them to go to their email and confirm the agreement so that the Testing Center can approve your test appointments.
  13. If your Accommodated Testing Agreement was completed correctly you should see a big green checkmark at the top of the page with the message “System Update is Successful,” along with a scheduling form.

Instructions for Scheduling Exams

  1. Go to the DRC homepage and click the “Request your Accommodations” link on the left side of the page.
  2. Click on the “Sign In” button and use your BearPass login and password to sign into the Bear Access system.
  3. Click on the Alternative Testing link on the left side of your “My Dashboard” page.
  4. In the box labeled “Alternative Testing Agreement(s),” select the class that you would like to schedule an exam for from the dropdown menu.
  5. Click on the “Schedule an Exam” button.
  6. In the box labeled “Exam Detail,” select the request type, put in the date of the exam, and the time that you would like to schedule your exam.
  7. The box labeled “Services Requested (As Applicable)” shows the testing accommodations that you have discussed with your Access Advisor. Check the box next to the accommodations that you would like to apply to the exam being scheduled.
  8. If there are any additional notes that you would like the Testing Center to know about, please add those in the text box.
  9. Click on the “Add Exam Request” button to schedule the exam.
  10. If your exam was scheduled correctly you should see a big green checkmark at the top of the page with the message “System Update is Successful.”