Summary Course Enrollment

Course by Delivery Type (user guide available)

OLAP Cube. Course enrollment and student credit hours by instructional method. Variables include college, dept, subject code (e.g. ART), course with out section (e.g. ART 100), course with section (e.g. ART 100 001), course type (e.g., LEC), course level, location, delivery type, meeting time. Measures include enrollment (ENR), student credit Hours (SCH) and number of sections (Section Count).


Source: Argos\Student\Campus-wide Course\ODSPROD-Course by Delivery Type
Updated: Information is updated nightly.

Commuter Student Enrollment

OLAP Cube. For use to identify course enrollment of commuter students by modality, where students residing in Springfield are "Local," students living in Residence Halls are "On Campus," and students with addresses outside of Springfield are "Commuters." Select options: Academic Period(s), College(s), Department(s), Include tracking course credit hours.

Dimensions include Instructional Method, Course ID, Section, Commuter Status of student (based on student address), Academic Period, Student Level, Student Population, Student Class, College, Department, Schedule Type, Campus of course, Day/Evening class time. Measures include (unduplicated) Headcount (HCT), Enrolled count, and Student Credit Hours (SCH).


Source: Argos\Student\Campus-wide Course\ODSPROD - Commuter Student Enrollment\ODSPROD - Commuter Student Enrollment Report
Updated: Information is updated nightly.