Performance Indicators
AIM Dashboard
The Academic Insights Management (AIM) Dashboard is a source of information for review and evaluation of departmental activity. It was developed with the purpose of assisting administrators in planning as well as managing the scope and direction of university departments. Such variables available for review include: 1) Student credit hour production by course level, instructional format, and faculty classification; 2) Student headcount by major, degrees conferred by college and department; number of sections and average section size by course level and faculty classification; 3) Measures of student success such as retention and learning outcomes, and measures of faculty scholarship such as peer-reviewed scholarly activities and grant activity. The information is updated annually after the Fall Census date.
Admissions Dashboard
The Admissions Dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of potential students that have applied for admission or been admitted to the university. The dashboard allows for trend analysis by comparing points in time during the admissions cycle for a selected academic period and previous years. Analysis of active applicants and active admits can be based on student population and includes information on academic preparedness, demographics, geographic origin, feeder schools, an applicant funnel, and enrollment yield. Includes ability to view OLAP analysis on demographic and academic dimensions for greater drill-down and customized analysis.
GPA by College and Department
GPA distribution by college and department. Report fields include headcount, MSU term credit hours attempted and passed, credit points and GPA by department of major. Also includes cumulative combined credits hours attempted and passed, credit points and GPA. Selection parameters are academic period, college and department.
Key Performance Indicators
In addition to the State Performance Funding Measures, the University develops a long-range plan that includes transparency in accountability as well as setting priorities and budgeting. There are six areas of focus in the 2016-21 Long-Range Plan that include Academic Profile, Student Experience, Globalization, Infrastructure, and Funding. Success in these areas is measured by the seven Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of Enrollment, Student Success, Quality of Student Learning, Graduate Outcomes, Faculty and Staff, Sustainability and Financial Efficiency, and Funding.
Student Enrollment-Point in Time
Data cube containing student enrollment information including unduplicated headcount and credit hours for specific points in time such as beginning of semester (BOS), census and end of semester (EOS). Two different OLAP Analyses are available: Student Side and Course Side.
The Student Side groups data based on student characteristics such as time status, college, department, major, program, class, level, student type and admission population. Demographic characteristics include age, gender, race/ethnicity, geographic origin and Pell Eligibility. Newly added: Student has First Generation Indicator, Online only indicator, No online indicator, Freeze Event, Academic Period Code
The Course Side groups data based on course characteristics such as delivery method, subject, course ID, Course College, Course Department, etc. Newly Added: Freeze Event, Academic Period Code