Point in Time Student Enrollment
Quick links
Distribution of Credit Hours by Program
International Enrollment Reports
New Students with College Credit
Students by Credit Hours Enrolled
Archived Enrollment Reports
Archived reports previously provided by the Office of Enrollment Services. Information is only available prior to the Fall 2009 semester.
Source: Archived Reports
Distribution of Credit Hours by Program
List of student majors credit hours by college, department, and program of study. Cross-tabbed by student classification.
Source: Argos\Student\Campus-wide Census\ODSPROD-Distribution of Credit Hours by Program-Point
in Time
Legacy Report: REC 2100
Updated: Information is updated only at specific points in time such as beginning of semester,
census, and end of semester.
Enrollment Reports
Headcount and credit hour enrollment reports for specific points in time. Parameters include point in time, student level, college, department and student campus. Reports available by student characteristics such as enrollment status, class, level, student type, gender, age group and race/ethnicity. Course characteristics such as level, delivery type, section length and course campus. Headcount enrollment by college, department, and program of study.
- Enrollment by Course Characteristics
- Enrollment by College /Dept/Program
- Enrollment by College/Dept/Course
Source: Argos\Student\Campus-wide Enrollment\ODSPROD - Enrollment Reports
Updated: Information is updated only at specific points in time such as the beginning of semester,
census, or end of semester.
International Enrollment Reports
International student headcount and credit hour enrollment reports for specific points in time. Parameters include point in time, student level, college, department, and nation. Reports available by student characteristics such as enrollment status, class, level, student type, gender, age group, race/ethnicity, and nation.
Source: Argos\Student\International Student Services\ODSPROD - International Student Enrollment
Updated: Information is updated only at specific points in time such as the beginning of semester,
census, or end of semester.
Majors Headcount
OLAP cube. Headcount of student majors by college and department for selected point in time. Parameters include point in time, college, and department. Available dimensions are program, primary program indicator, student level, and gender. Includes students' primary and secondary programs of study.
Source: Argos\Student\Campus-wide Census\ODSPROD-Majors Headcount-Point in Time
Updated: Information is updated only at specific points in time such as beginning
of semester, census, and end of semester.
New Students with College Credit
User must select either First-Time New in College or New Transfer in drop-down parameter. Parameters include number of students with college credit, count of courses transferred, number of credit hours transferred, institution or credit type, and top institutions from which students transfer credit.
- New Undegraduate Students with College Credit
- New Undergraduate Students with College Credit (Quickview)
Source: Argos\Student.Campus-wide Course.ODSPROD-New Undergraduate Students with College
Updated: Information is updated only at specific points in time such as beginning
of semester, census, and end of semester.
Students by Credit Hours Enrolled (user guide available)
Summary of student enrollment by number of credit hours enrolled. Cross-tabbed by student classification.
- Students by Credit Hours Enrolled (Quick View)
- Students by Credit Hours Enrolled
- Students by Credit Hours Enrolled (Text)
Source: Argos\Student\Campus-wide Census\ODSPROD-Students by Credit Hours Enrolled-Point
in Time
Legacy Report: REC 1900
Updated: Information is updated only at specific points in time such as beginning of semester,
census, and end of semester.
Students by Current Credit Hour Level (user guide available)
OLAP Cube. Summary of student enrollment by number of credit hours enrolled and course level. Student classification is an available variable. Headcount and credit hours available as measures.
- Students by Current Credit Hour Level (Dynamic Report)
- Students by Current Credit Hour Level
- Students by Current Credit Hour Level (Text)
Source: Argos\Student\Campus-wide Census\ODSPROD-Student by Current Credit Hour Level (OLAP)-Point
in Time
Legacy Report: REC 1910
Updated: Information is updated only at specific points in time such as beginning of semester,
census, and end of semester.
Students by Hour Load Summary
Displays student enrollment and credit hour production by college, department of courses. Cross-tabbed by student classifications. Report fields include total students, total credit hours and average load.
Source: Argos\Student\Campus-wide Census\ODSPROD-Student and Department Hour Load Summary
Legacy Report: REC 2210
Updated: Information is updated only at specific points in time such as beginning of semester,
census, and end of semester.
Student Enrollment (user guide available)
Data cubes containing student enrollment information including unduplicated headcount
and credit hours for specific points in time such as beginning of semester (BOS),
census, and end of semester (EOS).
Two different OLAP Analyses are available:
The student side groups data based on student characteristics such as: time status,
college, department, major, program, class, level, student type and admission population.
Demographic characteristics include age, gender, race/ethnicity, geographic origin,
Pell Eligibilty, Student has First Generation Indicator, Online only indicator, No
online indicator, Freeze Event, Academic Period Code, Age group for Outreach Reporting.
The course side groups data based on course characteristics such as delivery method,
subject, course ID, Course College, Course Department, Freeze Event, Academic Period
Code, etc. Student characteristics include Type, Class, Age groups, First Generation
Indicator, Gender, Race/Ethnicity.
Newly Added are: Student College & Department of major.
Source: Argos\Student\Campus-wide Census\ODSPROD-Student Enrollment-Point in Time
Legacy Report: REC 2760
Updated: Information is updated only at specific points in time such as beginning of semester,
census, and end of semester.