Registration Reports
Headcount and credit hour registration report by student characteristics such as enrollment status, class, level, student type, gender, age group and race/ethnicity. Reports available for specific points in time during the registration cycle. Parameters include year, term, point in time, college and department.
- Registration by Student Characteristics
- Registration by Course Characteristics
- Registration by College/Dept/Program
- Registration by College/Dept/Course
- Headcount Comparison Enrollment by Course
Source: Argos\Student\Campus-wide Enrollment\ODSPROD - Enrollment Reports
Updated: Information is updated only at specific points in time.
Registration Reports - Veteran Students
Headcount and credit hour registration report by Veteran student characteristics such as enrollment status, class, level, student type, gender, age group and race/ethnicity. Reports available for specific points in time during the registration cycle. Parameters include year, term, point in time, college and department.
Capturing the Veteran Indicator in the EDW began fall 2013 for the Midterm of Classes - REG042 freeze event. Thus, until fall 2014 midterm of classes, there will not be historical data for comparison.
- Registration by Veteran Student Characteristics
- Registration by Course Characteristics- Veterans
- Registration by College/Dept/Program - Veterans
- Registration by College/Dept/Course - Veterans
- Registration Comparison by College/Dept/Course- Veterans
Source: Argos\Student\Campus-wideStudent\EDW-Registration Reports - Veterans
Updated: Information is updated only at specific points in time.
Registration- OLAP
OLAP cube containing student & course registration information including unduplicated headcount, enrollment (course only) and credit hours for specific points within the registration cycle. Filtering is available by student characteristics such as enrollment status, college, department, major, program, class, level, student type, admission population and visa type. Demographic characteristics include age, gender, race/ethnicity and geographic origin. Course characteristics such as college, department, level, subject and course campus.
Source: Argos\Student\Campus-wideStudent\EDW-Registration OLAP
Updated: Information is updated only at specific points in time.