Enrollment Minimum Reports
Cross-Listed Enrollment Minimums (user guide available)
Cross-listed sections that have not met standard enrollment minimums for the cross-list group. Excludes: deleted or held sections, dual credit and tracking sections. The Quick View report WILL include sections with zero enrollment and courses with no set meeting day/time.
Source: Argos\Student\Campus-wide Course\PROD-Cross-Listed Enrollment Minimums
Updated: Information is updated continually to match live Banner. Additional log-in credentials are required for production based reports.
IVID Enrollment Minimums (user guide available)
Interactive Video sections that have not met standard enrollment minimums for the cross-list group. Excludes: deleted or held sections, dual credit and tracking sections. The Quick View report WILL include sections with zero enrollment and courses with no set meeting day/time.
Source: Argos\Student\Campus-wide Course\PROD-IVID Enrollment Minimums
Updated: Information is updated continually to match live Banner. Additional log-in credentials are required for production based reports.
Section Enrollment Minimums (user guide available)
Collection of reports pertaining to sections that have not met standard enrollment minimums. Excludes: cross-listed sections, deleted or held sections, dual credit and tracking sections. Parameters include academic period, college, department and course level.
- Sections Not Meeting the Minimum Enrollment
- Sections Not Meeting the Minimum Enrollment
- GE Sections Not Meeting Minimum Enrollment
- GE Sections Not Meeting Minimum Enrollment
- Arranged Sections Not Meeting Minimum Enrollment
- Arranged Sections Not Meeting Minimum Enrollment
- Sections with Zero Enrollments
- Sections with Zero Enrollments
- All Sections Not Meeting Minimum Enrollment
- All Sections Not Meeting Minimum Enrollment
Source: Argos\Student\Campus-wide Course\PROD-Section Enrollment Minimums
Updated: Information is updated continually to match live Banner. Additional log-in credentials are required for production based reports.