Course Related Lists

Quick links

Check for Courses

List of all students in a specific program (major) who have or have not taken a selected course. User enters term enrolled, college, program, and course identification. The check boxes allow users to check if students have or have not taken the course.


Source: Argos\Student.Campus-wide Student.ODSPROD - Course Check by Student Program
Updated: Information is updated nightly.

Check for Courses - BearPass ID

List all students based on BearPass IDs entered who have or have not taken up to four other selected courses. If they have taken the selected course the report returns course id, grade, term, and transfer institution if applicable.

Users can select whether to return only students that have taken the selected course, have not taken the selected course or just return all students whether or not they have taken the selected course.

Purpose: The report will be used for checking prerequisites.


Source: Argos\Student.Campus-wide Student.ODSPROD - Course Check by BearPassID.Course Check By BearPass ID (Excel)
Updated: Information is updated nightly.

Check for Courses - Course Roster

CSV for Course Check Information includes: BearPass_ID, Student Name, Confidentiality Indicator, Class, Status, Program, Program priority, Email Address, Course A Taken, Course A ID, Grade in course A, Term course A taken, (same for optional courses B and C), Catalog_Year_code, Catalog_Year_Desc, CUM_GPA_Now, College of the Course, Department of the Course, Level of the Course, College of the Student, and Department of the Student.


Source: Argos\Student\Campus-wide Course\ODSPROD - Course Check by Course Roster.Course Check (Excel)
Updated: Information is updated nightly.

Check for Courses - Minors

List all students in a specific minor who have or have not taken a course. User enters term enrolled, college, program, and course identification. The check boxes allow users to check if students have or have not taken the course.


Source: Argos\Student\Campus-wide Student\ODSPROD-Course Check for Minors.Check for Courses for Minors
Updated: Information is updated nightly.

Course Master List (user guide available)

Course details by section for selected academic period, college and department. May include either active or held courses. Includes subject, meeting time, location, instructor and enrollment maximums.


Source: Argos\Student\Campus-wide Course\ODSPROD-Course Masterlist
Updated: Information is updated nightly.

Class List (user guide available)

Lists students currently enrolled in a course section. Course details for the section are also included. Selection parameters include academic period, subject and course section.


Source: Argos\Student\Campus-wide Course\PROD-Class List
Updated: Information is updated continually to match live Banner. Additional log-in credentials are required for production based reports.

Class List by Department (user guide available)

Lists students currently enrolled in course sections for a selected academic period by college and department. Selection parameters include term, college, department, student class, and course ID.


Source: Argos\Student\Campus-wide Course\PROD-Class List by Dept
Updated: Information is updated continually to match live Banner. Additional log-in credentials are required for production based reports.

Course Catalog

List of courses as noted in the Course Catalog including subject, number, course title, description and min and max credit hours. Selection parameters include college, department, and course status (active or held).


Source: Argos\Student\Campus-wide Course\ODSPROD-COURSE CATALOG
Updated: Information is updated nightly

Course Masterlist for Online Courses (user guide available)

List of course details by section for selected academic period, college and department. May include either active or held courses. Includes subject, meeting time, location, instructor and enrollment maximums. Simplified and filtered for online courses only.


Source: Argos\Student\Campus-wide Course\ODSPROD-Course Master list for Online Courses
Updated: Information is updated nightly.

Cross Listed Courses

Course enrollment by cross list group including actual and maximum enrollment and seats available. Selection parameters include academic period and college.


Source: Argos\Student\Campus-wide Course\PROD-Cross Listed Courses Class Roster
Updated: Information is updated continually to match live Banner. Additional log-in credentials are required for production based reports.

Override Permissions

Provides override permissions granted to students for a term. Selection parameters include academic period*, college, department, course, user who granted permission and date range. * indicates required parameter


  • Override Permissions (Excel)Excel file

Source: Argos\Student\Campus-wide Course\PROD-Override Permissions
Updated: Information is updated continually to match live Banner. Additional log-in credentials are required for production based reports.

Prior Course Enrollment

Finds students who are currently enrolled in a selected course with previous enrollment in the class either with MSU or in transfer. This report's purpose is to find students repeating a particular course to proactively assist student in achieving a passing grade. User enters an academic period and a course ID (ex. MTH135). Report provides Academic Period, BearPass Number, Name, Student Email, Course ID (subject, course number), Section, Prior Academic Period enrolled, Prior Course ID enrolled, Prior Section enrolled, Final Grade, Advisor Name, and Advisor Email.


Source: Argos\Student\Campus-wide Course\ODSPROD-Prior Course Enrollment
Updated: Information is updated nightly.

Students by Term, Subject, and Course Number

The purpose of this datablock and report is to assist colleges and departments in viewing and reordering the waitlist for sections configured for waitlisting. This report provides the list of waitlisted students for each section.


  • List Students by Term, Subject, Course Number Excel file

Source: Argos\Student\Campus-wide Address\Only Directory Information Datablocks\ODSPROD-Students by Term Course and Program of Study
Updated: Information is updated nightly.

Waitlisted Students by Section

The purpose of this datablock and report is to provide contact information for students enrolled in selected courses. Information provided include: College and Department of major, primary program, primary advisor, contact information (snail mail and email addresses, primary phone number, student level (UG or GR), Student class, and student population. Selection parameters include academic period, College, Department, Subject, Course Number, and Section/CRN.


Source: Argos\Student.Campus-wide Student.PROD - Waitlisted Students by Section
Updated: Information is updated continually to match live Banner. Additional log-in credentials are required for production based reports.