Academic Standing
Academic Standing
Provides a list of students in selected academic standing categories by academic period, college and department. Available variables include name, ID, override status, end status, last term attended, term and cumulative GPA hours, earned hours, credit points and GPA.
- Academic Standing Advisor List
- Academic Standing All
- Academic Standing Reg Next Term
- Academic Standing Mail Merge
- Academic Standing Quick List
- Academic Standing ELI Students
Source: Argos\Student\Campus-wide Grade\Academic Standing\PROD-Academic Standing
Legacy Report: GRA 1450; GRA 2010
Updated: Information is updated continually to match live Banner. Additional log-in credentials are required for production based reports.
Academic Standing with Courses
Grade mailer for students in selected academic standing categories by academic period, college and department.
Source: Argos\Student\Campus-wide Grade\Academic Standing\PROD-Academic Standing with Courses
Updated: Information is updated continually to match live Banner. Additional log-in credentials are required for production based reports.
Deans List
Provides a list of students that obtained the Dean’s List by academic period, college and department. Available variables include name, ID, academic standing, term and cumulative GPA hours, earned hours, credit points and GPA.
- Dean’s List-Addresses-NewsServices
- Dean’s List Advisor List
- Dean’s List All
- Dean’s List All A’s Advisor List
- Dean’s List All A’s All
- Dean’s List All A’s Mail Merge
- Dean’s List All A’s Quick List
- Dean’s List Mail Merge
- Mailing Labels Size Avery 5160
Source: Argos\Student\Campus-wide Grade\ Academic Standing\PROD- Dean’s List
Legacy Report: GRA 2303; GRA 2320; GRA 2300
Updated: Information is updated continually to match live Banner. Additional log-in credentials are required for production based reports.
Academic Warning
The following reports are designed to find students in good academic standing but who may be slipping toward a lower status. All reports will exclude students who have not officially withdrawn, have taken all tracking courses or have received incomplete grades for all courses in the chosen academic period. Required parameters are Academic Period, College, and Department. When running the Good Standing Overall GPA in a Range report, GPA low and high values are required.
- Good Standing Less than 2.0 Term GPA
- Good Standing Overall GPA in a Range
GPA low and high values are required parameters for this report
Source: Argos\Student\Campus-wide Grade\Academic Standing\PROD - Academic Warning Students
Updated: Information is updated continually to match live Banner. Additional log-in credentials are required for production based reports.
The following report is designed to assist you in identifying and reaching out to students who may be at academic risk, but may not yet qualify for academic probation or suspension. This report allows colleges/departments/advisors to select various criteria that may identify students who may be at academic risk using factors such as semester GPAs, cumulative GPAs, lack of program admission, or the number of dropped and failed courses the student had for the semester. A variety of information is included in the report results such as specific identification of which courses were dropped and passed, the various GPAs, and other potential academic risk indicators found in research.
Source: ARGOS\Student\Campus-wide Grade\Academic Standing\ODSPROD-End of Semester Academic
Warning Indicators
Updated: Information is updated nightly.