Communication Studies Undergraduate Program

A communication student participates in a class discussion while another student raises her hand in the background.

We're all about the message

Why major in communication studies at Missouri State?

  • You will learn through experience with internship and service-learning opportunities that promote community involvement while providing vital job skills.
  • Our program strengthens your verbal and written communication skills, which are in high demand by employers.

Degree options

Review a sample degree plan to graduate in four years.
Ease your transfer process.
Begin graduate course work as you finish your bachelor's degree.

Career options

While a degree in communication studies provides a foundation of knowledge and skills appropriate to a wide range of professions, you will need to consider carefully how you can tailor your broad education to specific jobs and industries. Internships, volunteer experience, elective courses and complementary majors or minors can play a pivotal role in your preparation for various careers.

A communication studies degree prepares you for careers in the following areas:

  • Arts management
  • Counseling and social services
  • Fundraising
  • Graduate study
  • Health care management
  • Human resources
  • Law enforcement
  • Management
  • Marketing, advertising and public relations
  • Mediation
  • Nonprofit administration
  • Sales
  • Speech writing
  • Training and development
  • Volunteer recruitment and management

Explore similar majors in the department


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Make a smart investment in your future. Access financial aid and friendly support.

Immersive academics

You’ll be prepared, confident and ready for your career.