Big Eddy 2000
The 1999 Excavations at the Big Eddy Site (23CE426) in Southwest Missouri
Center for Archaeological Research
edited by
Neal H. Lopinot, Jack H. Ray, and Michael D. Conner
With Contributions by
Stanley A. Ahler
E. Arthur Bettis III
Tom D. Dillehay
Edwin R. Hajic
Marvin Kay
Neal H. Lopinot
Rolfe D. Mandel
Gina S. Powell
Jack H. Ray
Kary L. Stackelbeck
A second season of intensive archaeological work was conducted in 1999 at the Big
Eddy site (23CE426) in central Cedar County, southwest Missouri. This work was undertaken
by the Center for Archaeological Research, Missouri State University, with support
from the Kansas City District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the National Geographic
Society, the Green Foundation, and the Tom and Shirley Townsend family.
The excavations focused on the lowermost Paleoindian and thick pre-Clovis-age deposits
in a 16-sq. m area established in the center of Blocks B-C, after re-exhumation of
the disturbed fill from the 1997 excavations. Hand excavations were undertaken in
5-cm levels within 0.5-x-0.5-m subquadrants of 1-x-1-m quadrants of 2-x-2-m units.
All artifacts and charcoal encountered in situ were piece plotted, and the sediments
from each of the 64 subquadrants were water screened or floated. The excavations were
undertaken in this manner from 350 cm to 480 cm, the top of a paleo–gravel bar that
underlies the main part of the Big Eddy site. New investigations were also undertaken
in the eastern part of the site to determine the nature and content of Paleoindian
activities in that area. Finally, excavations were undertaken along the south side
of Blocks B-C in a 6-sq. m area. This work partly involved salvage of the remaining
southern part of Feature 28, the largest and richest Late Paleoindian feature encountered
in 1997. It also resulted in the identification of two new features. The excavations
were undertaken from 250 cm, within the early Early Archaic deposits, down to 310
cm, to the lower part of the Late Paleoindian horizon.
At least two items were recovered from the pre-Clovis-age deposits that may have been
modified by human activity. The best candidate is a large, broken sandstone boulder
that perhaps served as an anvilstone. In addition, a large, oblong chert cobble may
have been used as a hammerstone. The age and their relatively undisturbed geomorphological
context indicate that they date to ca. 12,600–12,200 B.P. The agents responsible for
fracturing and deposition, however, are controversial. Micro-use-wear analysis was
undertaken on these specimens by three specialists, two of whom contend that the modifications
are probably the result of natural agents. The other specialist has suggested the
possibility of human modification of a few items, and there are some very compelling
geomorphic and hydrologic reasons to believe that at least the possible broken anvilstone
was transported and modified by humans. Other potential artifacts from pre-Clovis-age
deposits appear to have been modified by natural agents or else represent intrusions
from the overlying Paleoindian deposits. Based on the results of an experiment using
zoo elephants, a large number of chert flakes and flaked chert pebbles and cobbles
in the pre-Clovis-age deposits appear to be the result of trampling by large Ice Age
Additional geomorphic coring, radiocarbon dates, and stable carbon isotope analysis
have added to our understanding of site stratigraphy and geochronology, the depositional
environments at the time of occupation, and paleoenvironmental conditions. Excluding
a small number of aberrant dates, the additional AMS ages establish the rapid accretion
of about 1 m of bar-top sediments beginning around 12,800–12,600 B.P., followed by
a marked decrease in sedimentation rates corresponding to the pre-Clovis-age levels
containing the possible anvilstone and hammerstone. An even more marked decrease is
evident for the overlying Early/Middle Paleoindian horizon. The new stable carbon
isotope data suggest an early Holocene warm or dry interval that began sometime after
11,200 B.P. and ended between 10,400 and 10,100 B.P., corresponding to the reported
“Folsom drought” in the Southern High Plains.
A considerable amount of other data also are presented here as the result of: (1)
a refit analysis of Paleoindian materials recovered during the 1997 excavations, (2)
excavations along the south side of Blocks B-C, (3) continued monitoring of the eroding
cutbank, (4) an expanded investigation of exotic cherts represented by artifacts mainly
from the Big Eddy site, and (5) examination of previously undocumented collections
from Big Eddy and other sites in the lower Sac River valley.
The refit analysis clearly establishes that the Paleoindian horizons at Big Eddy have
exceptional integrity. Additional exotic cherts have been linked to source areas to
the northwest, southwest, south, and southeast. They appear at the site beginning
at least by the Middle Paleoindian period and continue into Late Paleoindian and early
Early Archaic times. It is now suspected that these connections may relate more to
trade or indirect procurement than to direct procurement. A review of additional fluted
points and preforms from Big Eddy and other sites in the lower Sac River valley supports
the presence of the Gainey type and indicates this form is distinct from Clovis points
and from the potentially contemporaneous Sedgwick type. Based on stratigraphic context
and technology, Gainey may also represent a direct precursor of Dalton. The variety
of projectile points from Big Eddy, particularly fluted and unfluted lanceolate points,
have increased our awareness of the prehistoric importance and archaeological significance
of the earliest deposits at the site. It is a site with vast research potential, but
one that is also being rapidly destroyed by cutbank erosion.