Junior Checklist
Prepare for college
- Make sure the courses you’re taking fulfill the 24-unit high school core curriculum requirements.
- Take the ACT or SAT in April or June if you haven’t already. Have your scores sent to Missouri State using our ACT school code: 2370, or our SAT school code: 6665.
- Mark your schedule to apply for admission the summer before your senior year.
- Visit the Missouri State campus.
- Become familiar with scholarships and financial aid programs at MSU. Be prepared to apply for aid on time as some deadlines come early in your senior year.
Get more information
Contact the admissions office for more information on becoming a Bear:
- Call 417-836-5517
- Email Admissions@MissouriState.edu
- Write us at:
Office of Admissions
Missouri State University
901 S. National
Springfield, MO 65897