Department Head Resources
- A student may wish to appeal the allegation must complete the Student Appeal to the
Department Head Decision form, which is a written summary of the submit to the Department Head a written summary of the grounds for appeal.
- If the instructor of record is also an administrator, the student must be advised
that the appeal be directed to their supervisor.
- Before rendering a decision, the Department Head (or direct supervisor) will review
the documentation sent by the Academic Integrity Office and meet separately with the
teacher and the student who initiated the appeal.
- The Department Head (or direct supervisor) must advise the teacher and the student
using the Department Head Decision Form within 5 academic days of meeting with the student.
- After completing the form, a letter will be sent to the instructor of record and the
student has the right to appeal the Department Head’s decision and ask for an Academic
Integrity Council hearing.
- Copies of the Decision Form will be kept on file and shared with the instructor, student,
and the Department Head.
- The Academic Integrity Council will maintain confidential files related to student
academic dishonesty.
- The Chair of the AIC may convene a panel to address repeated allegations of academic
dishonesty that may accumulate against a particular student.
- A teacher must allow a student who is appealing an allegation of academic dishonesty
to continue attending the class until the right of appeal has been exhausted.
- If the student drops the class in which academic dishonesty is alleged to have occurred,
either prior to or after the alleged dishonesty is detected (and an appeal is not