Policies and Procedures
Referral process
Any student with a disability wanting their textbooks in an alternative format or to borrow Assistive Technology must first register with the Disability Resource Center (DRC) or the Learning Diagnostic Clinic (LDC). Once alternative formats or Assistive Technology use are approved by the DRC or LDC, students will be referred to the Access Technology Center (ATC). Students will be contacted via email by the ATC once a referral has been received from the DRC or LDC.
Alternative formats of textbooks
Students are expected to purchase or rent their physical textbooks prior to the ATC providing an alternative format. The ATC will request a copy of receipts and will ask that a copyright agreement be signed stating that the student will not share the alternative format files provided with anyone else. A copy of this form can be found on our webpage under the forms tab. If any books need to be scanned, the ATC will notify the student via email to let them know they will need to bring the textbook by the office. Students will be asked if the ATC can cut the book binding and rebind it using a plastic comb binder to help speed-up the scanning process. Books that have been cut and rebound can be sold back to the bookstore at the same rate as a book that has not had the binding cut. Students will be given the option to not have the book binding cut, but the scanning process may take several more days to complete due to the nature of flatbed scanners.
Equipment and software loans
The ATC can provide JAWS and Zoomtext on ATC laptops that can be checked-out on a semester to semester basis. The ATC cannot provide JAWS or Zoomtext for personal computers. The ATC can provide Read and Write Gold (RWG) software to any current Missouri State University Student. For information on how to get access to RWG software contact the ATC.
All Assistive Technology equipment that is available for loan can be checked-out on a semester by semester basis. Students will be asked to sign a loan agreement each semester the equipment is checked-out and will be required to return or recheck-out the equipment by the end of the semester. Copies of both the check-out and return form can be found by visiting the forms link on the ATC webpage.
Faculty and staff
Faculty and Staff wishing to explore assistive technology software and equipment options for their own personal use should contact the Office for Institutional Equity and Compliance (OIEC). The ATC will work with OIEC and the employee to determine the best accommodations in regards to assistive tech software and equipment.
For additional information regarding policies and procedures contact the ATC Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm.