Student Learning Outcomes

Learning outcomes for the exercise science program

  • Graduates will demonstrate knowledge of the structure and function of the body, application of biomechanical principles to efficient movement in activities of daily life as well as to training, physiological principles, responses, and adaptations to training, and developmental changes with growth, maturation and aging.
  • Graduates will demonstrate the ability to discuss the physiological basis of the components of physical fitness; accurately measure and interpret the measurement of each component; screen clients of all ages for fitness testing; adapt testing protocols according to health appraisals and medical history; and understand the effects of common prescription drugs on exercise testing and prescription.
  • Graduates will demonstrate the ability to prescribe and implement all phases of exercise training programs specific to the age and functional ability of the client and in accordance with benefits, precautions, and contraindications of progressive exercise; identify proper and improper technique in the use of equipment; and apply methods to monitor exercise intensity.
  • Graduates will demonstrate knowledge of energy balance in weight management; effects of diet and exercise on body composition and health; nutritional factors in the female athlete triad, eating disorders; misconceptions of inappropriate weight loss methods; calories per nutrient (food) and nutritional ergogenic aids.
  • Graduates will demonstrate the knowledge of five behavioral strategies to enhance exercise and health behavior changes; elements that should be included in counseling sessions; the stages of motivational readiness and methods of motivation.
  • Graduates will demonstrate knowledge and prowess in addressing emergency procedures and individual injury in health and fitness settings; maintenance of a safe environment and legal implications in documenting safety standards, precautions, policies, and injury; environmental stressors, overtraining signs, and common injury in exercise training; and skill in first aid/CPR.

  • Graduates will demonstrate knowledge of program administration, marketing, monitoring, management, and evaluation.
  • Graduates will demonstrate knowledge of cardiovascular, pulmonary, metabolic, and musculoskeletal risk factors or conditions that may require consultation with medical personnel before testing or training.