
Financial Assistance Form

Financial assistance is available to a limited number of applicants who wish to attend the Ursa Experience but require financial assistance. Students may apply for financial assistance of 75% of the total cost of the Ursa Experience if they meet one of the following criteria: 

  • Student is eligible to receive Federal Pell Grant funds
  • Student is enrolled in a federally funded program for the economically disadvantaged (such as GEAR UP or Upward Bound)
  • Student resides in a foster home, is a ward of the state, or is homeless
  • Student's family receives low-income public assistance or lives in federally subsidized public housing

Financial Assistance applications should be received by Orientation and Transition Programs as soon as possible-- to ensure assistance can be granted before availability ends. Contact 417-836-3060 with questions.

The Ursa Experience Participant Guide 2025

This PDF document provides you with information to help you prepare for the Ursa Experience. It includes details such as

  • What to expect at and bring to the Ursa Experience
  • Missouri State housing move-in information
  • Parking information
  • Required participation waivers 

Please ensure you have completed the following by Wednesday, July 24, 2025:

  • Review, complete, sign, and return the participation waivers to Orientation and Transition Programs. Email these documents to