Course Equivalencies
See how individual courses transfer to Missouri State
See how college credits and test scores count toward a Missouri State degree
BearPACE is a tool prospective students who have not yet applied to Missouri State can use to get a preview of how transfer credit and credit by exam credits apply to MSU degree requirements. Through this self-reported information, the prospective student can get an unofficial degree audit showing how the reported coursework would apply to MSU programs.
Similar course, different name
Course equivalency describes a course taken at a previous institution that has been deemed to have comparable and/or equal content to a MSU course.
Note about equivalencies
The ultimate authority for course equivalency rests with academic departments. These equivalencies are subject to change at any time.
Preapproval and reevaluation
The Transfer Credit Reevaluation and Preapproval online systems are designed so you may appeal equivalency decisions or seek equivalency decisions for transfer course work after meeting with your academic advisor.