Boomer and Growl with the Cheer Squad
Boomer at a Bears football game
Boomer at Bear-A-Thon
Boomer flexing with a Bears football fan
Growl with a young fan at a Bears football game
Growl at a stadium concert
Boomer at a Bears volleyball game
Boomer and Growl meet young fans
Growl and Boomer
Boomer with the Cheer Squad
Boomer and Growl with the Cheer Squad
Cheer Squad performing at New Student Convocation
Cheer Squad before a Bears football game
Cheer Squad at a Bears football game
Growl meeting Bear fans
Boomer and Growl with Bear football fans
Growl at a Bears football game
Growl cheering on the Bears football team
Boomer and Growl during Christmas
Mascots with Santa
Boomer's Crew
Boomer is the face of Missouri State University, and can be seen at Missouri State home football, volleyball, and basketball games, as well as making special appearances at other athletic events. Boomer is very active on campus and in the community, and loves to make new friends.
Boomer's Crew Accepting Applications Now
Please contact Emily Dryden at EmilyDryden@missouristate.edu for information about becoming a member of Boomer's Crew, and to set up an interview.