Expand your understanding of music composition
You can pair this 22-hour minor with a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Music or a Bachelor of Science degree. It can be a great complement to a Bachelor of Music with a focus in jazz, keyboard, instrumental or vocal performance, because it demonstrates your interest in not only performing, but also composing music.
By choosing to minor in music composition, you can augment your education in the following ways:
- Gain a better understanding of how music is created
- Develop the skills to compose your own pieces
- Deepen your knowledge of music theory
The following are the requirements for the music composition minor:
Music Composition Minor
Major Degree Type
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Bachelor of Music
Bachelor of Music Education
Bachelor of Science
Minor Requirements
Basic Theory (6 hours):
Composition (6 hours):
GPA graduation requirement:
A grade of "C" or better is required in all Music courses counted toward the minor.
For more assistance
Contact the department of music at 417-836-5648 to make an appointment with a faculty advisor to get admitted quickly and easily to this minor.