Teacher Education Entrance Exams

**Please note: the last day to take the MoGEA and the MoCA was June 23.
Starting July 1, 2024, the Praxis tests have replaced the MoCA requirement. All passing MoGEA and MoCA scores will continue to be accepted for certification.
If a student does not meet the entrance exam requirements to be admitted to teacher education, they can proceed with fall 2024 coursework without the entrance exam if they have all remaining admission to teacher education criteria met. If MSU makes the decision to keep the entrance exam requirement, the student will need to take one of the test options before registration for spring 2025 coursework. Please work with your advisor for details.**

What are the entrance exams?

Students must earn or have earned a passing score on one of the approved entrance exams below. If a student does not already have a passing score on ACT, SAT, the Elementary Educaton MoCA, the Pearson Paraprofessional Test, or the Missouri General Education Assessment (MoGEA), the student may be asked to take the ACT, SAT, or the ParaPro Test

Test options Passing Score
ACT Composite or Superscore 17
SAT Composite or Superscore 920
Elementary Education Praxis or (prior to June 23, 2024) Elementary Education MoCA  144 science, 140 social studies, 129 teaching reading, and 139 mathematics (Elementary Education Praxis) or 220 (Elementary Education MoCA)
ParaPro Test or (prior to June 23, 2024) Paraprofessional Test  459 (ParaPro) or 220 (Paraprofessional Text)

(prior to June 23, 2024) Missouri General Education Assessment (MoGEA): math, reading, and writing sections 


If a student does not meet one of the composite scores above, they can mix and match subtests with passing scores from the options below.  For example, a student who did not receive a cumulative/superscore of 17 on ACT but had 18 on ACT Reading could have used a passing score of 167 on MoGEA Math and Writing subtests in order to meet the entrance exam requirement of passing scores in math, reading, and writing.

Math subtest options

MoGEA Mathematics


ACT Math


SAT Math Section


Elementary Ed MoCA Mathematics/Science


Reading subtest options

 MoGEA Reading 


ACT Reading


SAT Evidence-Based Reading/Writing


Elementary Ed MoCA English Language Arts/Social Studies


Writing subtest options

MoGEA Writing


ACT Writing


SAT Evidence-Based Reading/Writing 


 Elementary Ed MoCA English Language Arts/Social Studies


A passing score on an entrance exam is required for all undergraduate teacher certification programs. This test is NOT required for postbaccalaureate-teacher certification students or students pursuing initial certification through a graduate program (MAT, SEACT, VIP, Counseling, Administration). 

More Resources and Information for the ParaPro Assessment

  • Tests cannot be taken at the Testing Center on the MSU-Springfield campus at this time. To choose a testing location, first visit the Missouri Praxis exams website and click on your test to see the test number and name of the test that is required in Missouri. You should write down this number so that you do not select the incorrect test. Then, step two of the Praxis Preliminary Registration and Essential Checklist includes the link to test locations and available dates. Enter in your test, city or postal code, distance, and select from the test center dropdown, which lists all testing centers within the distance you have selected. Click the "Test from Home" box if you wish to also see those test options. Some tests may not have test from home options. 
  • Tests include free study materials for students. These can be accessed by visiting the Praxis Exams for Missouri website, clicking "View test details" on the test you plan to take, scrollilng down to the "About The Test" section, and clicking "Download Free Resources."
  • Information on special testing accommodations


  • What if my MoGEA, Paraprofessional or MoCA scores were not sent to MSU at the time I completed the test?
    Please email an electronic copy in PDF format to PES@MissouriState.edu. You can retrieve your scores on the MEGA website www.mo.nesinc.com or your Praxis score by clicking "Access Your Score" on the Praxis website. You can view your scores at my.missouristate.edu > My Student Records card > Test Scores.
  • What if my ACT scores are not on file in Test Scores on My.MissouriState.edu?
    Please contact your high school to request that a transcript be sent to MSU Office of Admissions which includes ACT scores.
    If the high school transcript does not include ACT scores, go to www.ACT.org to locate past testing results. An electronic copy should be sent to MSU Office of Admissions.
  • What if I cannot afford the test?
    Praxis Fee Waivers can be requested from Praxis