African and African American Studies Minor

Students conversing in class

Why minor in African and African American studies?

  • With guidance from your advisor, you will tailor your curriculum to gain a comprehensive understanding of African American history, ideas and culture.
  • Familiarity with important issues in the African American community will help prepare you for careers in education, business, medicine and more.
  • Developing skills in diversity and inclusion will set you apart in the job market.

African and African American Studies Minor

Major Degree Type

Bachelor of Applied Science
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Bachelor of Music
Bachelor of Music Education
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Science in Education (non-certifiable)
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Bachelor of Social Work

Administration of the minor

Courses must be approved by the faculty of the African and African American Studies Committee for inclusion in the minor. It is recommended that AAS 100  be taken prior to all other courses in the minor. A student cannot take more than six hours in a particular course code, except for the AAS course code, to complete the minor (i.e., AAS is the only course code in which a student may take more than six hours.) Exceptions must have the permission of the administrator. A student can petition to apply a variable content/special topics course to the minor, with the approval of the administrator.

    15 hours from the following areas with at least three hours from each area:

      Attain a minimum GPA of 2.50 in all courses counted toward the minor.


      With the administrator's permission, a student may use AAS 397, AAS 497, and REL 397 to satisfy any of the above requirements except for the AAS 100 requirements.

      *when applicable

        Remarkable education

        Knowledge based on experience — Missouri State's approach to learning sets you up for success with memorable experiences, personalized advising and insight from expert faculty.

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