
Accepting a credit card payment online is an involved process.

If done incorrectly, the end user will receive a poor experience: duplicate payment postings, multiple email receipts, etc.

Or worse: Have their personal information exposed.

As such, university policy outlines the following methods that allow distributed developers and systems to accept payments online using credit cards.

Implementation options

Full CASHNet storefront

CASHNet storefronts have the ability to capture customized information with a purchase and can be used for item purchases and registrations. Contact financial services for more information on CASHNet storefronts.

Vendor-supplied solution

Many purchased campus systems are able to accept credit card payments via integration with CASHNet. Contact financial services before purchasing if you are planning to add a vendor system that accepts credit cards.

Custom application integration

Computer services management information systems writes and maintains custom integrations with CASHNet. Contact the department for information regarding a custom solution.

Frequently asked questions

Q: My conference charges different amounts for different types of attendees. Can I use an Omni CMS database form?
A: Yes. You will need to have a page in front of your registration form which asks the user to select which attendee type they are registering. You will need a separate form for each attendee type. Contact Web Support for assistance in using the same form fields on each separate page.

Q: I hire students to manage my website. Can they code a custom integration with CASHNet?
A: Custom credit card integrations must be maintained. Students are short-term employees and therefore cannot be the primary maintainer of a credit card integration. Custom integrations written by distributed developers or students will only be allowed if computer services management information systems agrees to assist in maintenance before the project begins.