Application & Selection Process
How to apply
Email the following items to
- Cover letter (including career goals and reason for applying)
- Current résumé
- Brief bio (written in third person)
See example biographies.
- Academic and contact information
Application deadline is March 20, 2020.
Selection Process
Successful applicants will demonstrate a commitment to Missouri State University’s Public Affairs Mission. Applicants may come from any college, any major. Preference will be given to students returning the semester following the academy experience. Applicants must agree to promote the fellowship upon their return to campus.
The selection committee will be composed of the assigned advisor who will serve as chair. Additional members will be: at least one alumnus of the Sue Shear Leadership Academy, a designee from the Office of Student Affairs, and an additional faculty member.
The committee is charged with insuring; (a) that information regarding the Academy is as widely disseminated as practical, and (b) that candidates are selected who exemplify the university’s public affairs mission. In order to meet this charge, the committee shall (a) distribute information about the academy via electronic and personal methods; (b) review applications along applicable deadlines; (c) select four fellows and one alternate who best exemplify the selection criteria.
See the committee's evaluation rubric form.
The committee chair is responsible for notifying students who were not selected as well as students selected to represent Missouri State University no later than mid April.