Degree Plan: Traditional Pathway

The following is a sample schedule for this major – your actual schedule may vary.

Meet with your advisor and review the class schedule before confirming your schedule.

During your seventh and eighth semesters (year four), work with your advisor to select courses that help you meet the prerequisites for your professional health care program of choice.

The following degree plan, last reviewed 07-23-2020, is based on the 2020-21 catalog and Missouri State general education requirements.

First semester (fall)

Courses Hours
ATC 220 Introduction to Sports Medicine 1
GEP 101 First-Year Foundations 2
ENG 110 Writing I 3
BMS 110 Introduction to Human Biology 3
BMS 111 Introduction to Human Biology Laboratory 1
MTH 136 Precalculus 1 3
General Education course 3
Total hours 16

Second semester (spring)

Courses Hours
ATC 221 Clinical Skills in Sports Medicine 2
COM 115 Fundamentals of Public Speaking 3
CHM 116 Fundamentals of Chemistry
or CHM 160 General Chemistry I
CHM 117 Fundamentals of Chemistry Laboratory
or CHM 161 General Chemistry I Laboratory
PSY 121 Introductory Psychology 3
General Education course(s) 3-6
Total hours 16-19

Third semester (fall)

Courses Hours
BMS 307 Human Anatomy 4
DTN 240 Introduction to Nutrition 3
IPE 375 Introduction to Interprofessional Health Care 3
ATC 225 Sports Medicine Observation 1
Writing II 3
General Education course 3
Total hours 17

Fourth semester (spring)

Courses Hours
BMS 308 Human Physiology 4
IPE 381 Statistics for the Health Professions
or PSY 200 Psychological Statistical Methods
ATC 222 Athletic Injuries 2
ATC 225 Sports Medicine Observation 1
General Education course(s) 3-6
Total hours 13-16

Fifth semester (fall)

Courses Hours
ATC 332 Research Methods in Sports Medicine 2
DTN 430 Sports Nutrition 3
KIN 362 Exercise Physiology
or BMS 567 Physiology of Exercise Metabolism
IPE 576 Professional Issues in Health Services 3
ATC 225 Sports Medicine Observation 1
General Education course 3
Total hours 13-17

Sixth semester (spring)

Courses Hours
ATC 413 Informatics and Terminology in Healthcare 3
ATC 225 Sports Medicine Observation 1
PHY 123 Introduction to Physics I 4
ATC 444 Applied Orthopedic Review 4
General Education course(s) as needed 3-6
Total hours 15-18

Seventh semester (fall)

Courses Hours
General Education course(s) as needed 3-6
Prerequisite courses for professional health care program 9-12
Total hours 12-18

Eighth semester (spring)

Courses Hours
General education course(s) as needed 3-6
Prerequisite courses for professional health care program 9-12
Total hours 12-18

Suggested courses for prerequisites

Work with your advisor to select prerequisites based on the professional health care program you want to pursue.