BS Four-Year Degree Plan: Nutrition and Dietetics

This degree plan does not include transfer or dual credit you may have.

Several of the nutrition and dietetics courses have prerequisites – courses you must pass before you take the higher-level courses.

The following degree plan, last reviewed 07-08-2024, is based on the 2024-25 catalog and Missouri State general education requirements.

First semester (fall)

Courses Hours
GEP 101 First-Year Foundations 2
ENG 110 Writing I 3
Humanities - General Education 3
CHM 116 Fundamentals of Chemistry 4
CHM 117 Fundamentals of Chemistry Laboratory 1
PSY 121 Introductory Psychology 3
Total hours 16

Second semester (spring)

Courses Hours
Social and Behavior Sciences - General Education 3
BMS 110 Introduction to Human Biology 3
BMS 111 Introduction to Human Biology Laboratory 1
HST 121 Survey of the History of the United States to 1877
or HST 122 Survey of the History of the United States since 1877
COM 115 Fundamentals of Public Speaking 3
MTH 134 Algebraic Reasoning and Modeling 3
Total hours 16

Third semester (fall)

Courses Hours
PLS 101 American Democracy and Citizenship 3
The Arts - General Education 3
BMS 307 Human Anatomy
or KIN 250 Applied Human Anatomy
BIO 212 Elements of Microbiology 2
BIO 213 Elements of Microbiology Laboratory 1
DTN 240 Introduction to Nutrition 3
Total hours 16

Fourth semester (spring)

Courses Hours
Cultural Competence - General Education 3
Public Issues - General Education 3
DTN 305 Introduction to Nutrition and Dietetics 1
BMS 308 Human Physiology
or KIN 252 Applied Human Physiology
DTN 330 Food Selection and Preparation for Health 2
DTN 332 Food and Culture 3
Total hours 16

Fifth semester (fall)

Courses Hours
CHM 201 Essentials of Organic Chemistry 3
Written Communication & Integrative and Applied Learning (Writing II course) - General Education 3
DTN 333 Nutrition Throughout the Life Span 3
PSY 200 Psychological Statistical Methods
or MTH 340 Statistical Methods
or MTH 545 Applied Statistics
or QBA 237 Basic Business Statistics
or SOC 220 Statistics for Social Research
or IPE 381 Statistics for the Health Professions
DTN 306 Computer Applications in Nutrition and Dietetics 1
DTN 340 Nutrition Education and Communications 2
Total hours 15

Sixth semester (spring)

Courses Hours
CHM 352 Introduction to Biochemistry
or BMS 320 Biomolecules and Metabolism
DTN 335 Nutritional Assessment 3
DTN 437 Quantity Foods in Healthcare and School Food Service 3
DTN 532 Human Nutrition and Metabolism 3
Total hours 12

Seventh semester (fall)

Courses Hours
BMS 230 Human Genetics 3
DTN 331 Food Science 3
DTN 430 Sports Nutrition 3
DTN 536 Medical Nutrition Therapy I 4
DTN 539 Senior Seminar in Dietetics 1
DTN 595 Introduction to Research in Dietetics 1
Total hours 15

Eighth semester (spring)

Courses Hours
DTN 445 Community Nutrition 3
DTN 538 Food and Nutrition Systems Management 3
DTN 546 Medical Nutrition Therapy II 4
DTN 550 Nutrition Counseling 2
DTN 345 World Hunger 3
Total hours 15

Tips for success

  • If you take CHM 160, then CHM 161, CHM 170 and CHM 171 must be taken. Consult with an advisor as this will affect your schedule.
  • If you're planning for a chemistry minor, you must also take CHM 202: Organic Chemistry Lab. This class is offered all semesters. Additional chemistry classes are taken in the summer or during the regular semester, with other courses taken in the summer.
  • Program admission requirements include: minimum 2.9 GPA and completion of DTN 240, DTN 305 with a C or better and BMS 308/KIN 252 and chemistry sequence with a C- or better.
  • Fall-only classes: DTN 331 (Jr/Sr), DTN 340 (Jr), DTN 430 (Sr), DTN 536 (Sr), DTN 539 (Sr), DTN 595 (Jr/Sr).
  • Spring-only classes: DTN 335 (Jr), DTN 445 (Sr), DTN 532 (Jr), DTN 538 (Sr), DTN 546 (Sr), DTN 550 (Sr).