Driver Education Teacher Certification
Why choose to certify yourself in driver education?
- Meet a growing need for driver's education instructors in high school settings.
- Learn at the only university in the region to offer this certification.
- Flexible scheduling allows you to complete your certification during intersessions
or summer semesters.
- Work hands-on with students at Greenwood Lab School.
Program requirements
Driver Education
(Certifiable grades 9-12, additional endorsement only)
Students who complete the Bachelor of Science in Education degree with a major in
Secondary Education or K-12 Physical Education may receive Missouri state certification
in Driver Education grades 9-12 by:
- Completing the following courses: KIN 370(3), 371(3), 372(3), and 373(3).
- In order to meet Missouri State teacher certification requirements, all candidates
for the Bachelor of Science in Education degree must have a combined (Missouri State
and transfer) GPA of 3.00 or above in the certificate subject area which includes
all courses previously listed.