Understanding your level of wellness
Our Wellness Wheel is comprised of eight well balanced sections to enhance the overall
health and wellness of your life. The eight dimensions of the wheel: community, emotional,
spiritual, intellectual, career, physical, financial, and environment, help you reach
your goals in a way which incorporates wellness.
We have compiled for you a list of resources to help you achieve, maintain, and expand
your individual wellness. Each section should be taken care of in an effort to reach
your optimal wellness level. Just as a wheel that is part of something bigger, if
it is flat in one spot, the overall progress of the machine will suffer. Balance your
health and wellness with the wheel and resources we have provided.
The community dimension of the wellness wheel focuses on connecting with others by
developing a sense of connection, belonging, and a well-developed support system.
This also includes creating and maintaining positive relationships with the people
and things around you, constantly contributing so everything will continue to be effective
for the better.
Resources to help enhance your community wellness can be found all over campus:
The environmental dimension of wellness focuses on occupying pleasant, stimulating
environments that support well-being. Appreciating the external world around you while
understanding the limits of its natural resources and doing what you believe it takes
to make sure it is being kept up to the highest standard possible. The awareness of
all human activity impacting the environment, its up-keeping, and longevity is central
to this dimension.
Below are campus resources to enhance the environmental wellness dimension:
The spiritual dimension of wellness is centered on establishing inner peace and harmony
on your life while expanding your sense of purpose and meaning. People with a strong
spiritual wellness use personal beliefs and values to choose which actions to take
and interpret how things in the world should be viewed.
Missouri State offers campus resources to assist in strengthening spiritual wellness:
The occupational dimension of wellness focuses on the ability to receive personal
satisfaction and enrichment from one’s work or career choice. Everyone wants to feel
as if they have made a difference in the career field of their choice, the positive
impact we make and the feeling you have upon completion leads directly to occupational
Check out resources around campus to enhance your occupational wellness:
The financial dimension of wellness incorporates finding satisfaction with your current
and future financial situations. Additionally, it involves an understanding of how
to improve those situations for the betterment of your life and career goals. This
involves being able to effectively control your income and successfully plan your
finances. Learning how to save and invest completes the financially-well person.
For help with increasing financial wellness, there are helpful campus resources:
The physical dimension of wellness includes recognizing the need for physical activity,
healthy foods, and sleep while maintaining these to the highest degree. A strong physical
dimension will allow individuals to complete daily tasks and activities without excess
stress or fatigue. Understanding these qualities greatly impact our lives and working
toward adopting healthier habits will help individuals reach a higher level of physical
Check out the physical resources around Missouri State's campus:
The intellectual dimension of wellness focuses on recognizing creative abilities and
finding ways to expand knowledge and skills. To fully develop the intellectual dimension
it is important to challenge one’s self to master those skills and apply them to everyday
life in pursuit of a higher state of mind.
The following are resources around campus helping to expand the intellectual dimension:
Emotional wellness entails being able to effectively cope with life’s challenges.
It also includes create satisfying relationships will allowing us to understand and
grow within ourselves. This leads to the ability to be able to identify, express,
and manages emotions in a controlled manner.
These emotional wellness resources are found around campus: