Proposal Submission Timelines

The following deadlines are approximate and are subject to change due to unforeseen delays, council or committee review, appeals, challenges, or other delays in the process due to issues in the proposal content. 

Program proposals (new, change, delete) are all effective the following fall. Program changes are only effective for students that are admitted to those programs as of that effective fall. Continuing students are not affected by program changes unless they intentionally change their program catalog year. Program deletions may be submitted even if continuing students are in that program. Deletions prevent new students from entering the program, but do not affect continuing students. 

Course (new, change, delete) proposals have two timelines. Course proposals must be fully approved and implemented prior to the opening of the fall registration cycle, if the intent is to offer the new/changed courses on the fall schedule. The catalog timeline is later, but only guarantees that the new/change/deleted course will be reflected in next academic year's catalog which is published in May. Course updates approved and implemented after the fall registration cycle is open will be reflected on the following spring's schedule. 

Deadlines listed below are based on scheduled council/committee meetings.

Faculty should plan submission with consideration for academic unit leader and/or dean approval/review and council/committee agenda timelines, which occur PRIOR to the deadlines listed below. 

Curricular Timeline FAQ & Visual 


Course Proposal Type (New/Change/Delete)

Registration-Proposal Submission Deadline 

No later than:

Catalog-Proposal Submission Deadline

No later than:

Undergraduate Course  November College Council Meeting February College Council Meeting 

Undergraduate Educator Preparation Provider Course

(Must go through EPPC for approval)

September College Council Meeting January College Council Meeting

Undergraduate General Education Course

(Must go through CGEIP for approval)

October College Council Meeting  January College Council Meeting 

Undergraduate General Education & Educator Preparation Provider Course

(Must go through EPPC & CGEIP for approval)

September College Council Meeting November College Council Meeting
Graduate Course October Graduate Council Screening Committee Meeting  January Graduate Council Screening Committee Meeting 
Graduate Educator Preparation Provider Course September EPPC Screening Committee Meeting  November EPPC Screening Committee Meeting 


If a program proposal includes new courses also going through the approval process at the same time OR includes existing courses going through the approval process as a change, the timelines listed above for courses will apply to that program proposal instead. 

Program Proposal Type 

Catalog-Proposal Submission Deadline

No later than:

Undergraduate Program (New/Change/Delete) February College Council Meeting 

Undergraduate Educator Preparation Program (New)

(Must go through EPPC for approval)

November EPPC Screening Committee Meeting 

Undergraduate Educator Preparation Program (Change/Delete)

(Must go through EPPC for approval)

January EPPC Screening Committee Meeting 
Graduate Program (New/Change/Delete) January Graduate Council Screening Committee Meeting

Graduate Educator Preparation Program (New/Change/Delete)

(Must go through EPPC for approval)

November EPPC Screening Committee Meeting